Meeting Magcon (9)

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Meeting Magcon (9)
(Liv's POV)
I woke up laying on the couch. I never remembered falling asleep here. I looked around the room and didn't see anyone. I sat up and coughed then looked towards the wall. "You're up." I heard from behind me. I whipped around to see Nash standing at the kitchen doorway. "Yeah I am. Uhm where is everyone?" I asked. "Your grandma told us we could go swimming after you had fallen asleep. I decided to wait till you got up while everyone else went for a dip." He said smiling. "Thanks." I whispered. "I cut some oranges and lemons up for you." He said walking towards me. "How-" he cut me off. "Meggie told me its your favorite." He said laughing a bit. "Ohhh ok." I said smiling and taking an orange off of the plate. "You can eat some too." I said motioning to the plate as I ate and he watched. "I prefer apples." He said. I gasped. "We can't be friends." I said dramatically. "Why?" He gasped also playing along with me. "You like apples more than oranges." I said. "Here look I like oranges." He said stuffing one in his mouth. He smiled showing the peel and I laughed hysterically. I covered my mouth and made a straight face. "What?" He asked pulling the orange out of his mouth. "My laugh. I'm sure you hate it. I know it's ugly." I said. He laughed. "Liv your laugh is perfect." He said. I smiled. "You really think so?" I asked. He nodded. "I'm positive." he said bopping my nose. I pouted. "Oh cmon don't be like that." He whined. I lowered my head down even more. "Ok you asked for it just remember that." He said as he slung me over his shoulder. "Nash put me down!" I yelled. "Guys here I come!" Nash yelled. "It's all a plan?!" I screamed. He didn't reply, he just threw me into the water. I surfaced for air and swam over to the edge. I crawled out and walked back towards the house not saying a word to anyone. I didn't make any eye contact I just kept walking. "Liv cmon it was for fun!" Shawn called out. I kept walking ignoring them all. A hand landed on my shoulder and turned me around quickly. I was met by the same blue eyes once again. I looked over to the side trying to not make eye contact. Everything was silent and Nash didn't start to talk. We just stood there in silence. I quickly flashed my eyes up to his and then back to the ground. I pulled out of his grip and made my way to the door opening it and continuing inside. I heard the latter of feet behind me as I went to the back room to get a towel. "Let me help." Nash said behind me. "Go away." I said. "Liv it was just a joke." Nash said holding my towel in his arms. I looked down to my casted up arm. "What if I wasn't supposed to get the cast wet?" I asked. Nash just shook his head. "You're allowed to get it wet. I mean how could they ruin your whole summer of fun?" Nash asked. I nodded. Nash unfolded the towel and wrapped it around my body. He pulled me closer and I sat my head on his chest while looking down. If I looked in his eyes I'd be put in that weird daze. "Liv." Nash said. "Hm?" I hummed. "Look at me." He said. I looked up slowly and his eyes met mine. "Do you feel the same way I do?" Nash asked. I scrunched my eyebrows together. "I don't know how you feel so how could I answer that?" I asked. "Do you get tingly when we're together? Do you get butterflies in your stomach? Do you always want to be together?" He asked. I nodded after running it all through my head. "I think it's love." He whispered, resting his head on mine. He wrapped his arms around me and held me close. "I never wanna let you go." He said. "I don't either." I whispered as a tear fell from my eye. Silent cries came out of my mouth and Nash looked into my eyes. "Don't worry. I will never leave you. I'll always be with you." He said. I nodded and hugged him tight. It felt so right and I never wanted it to end. I wanted to do this all the York with no weird looks. I just wanted it to all be right. "Will you be my girlfriend?" Nash asked quietly. I'm pretty sure that would make it possible for me to always be able to hug him...

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