Meeting Magcon (5)

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Meeting Magcon (5)

(Liv's POV)

I kept hugging Nash tighter and he kept a good grip on me too. I loosened my grip and so did he. We soon pulled away and I know we had been hugging for a while but it just felt too short. I looked around us and saw Meggie and Cam smirking. I blushed and looked down. Nash put his finger under my chin and lifted my head up to meet his eyes. "You don't need to hide it. You're cute." He said. I blushed even more at that but kept my head looking up. Nash smiled as he realized that I listened to him. I glanced over to my side to see Meggie coming closer. I have a feeling that she could tell I had no clue what to say. "Hey Nash." She said. "Hi." He said waving to the side at her while still staring at me. I looked into his eyes and he did so too to me. I smiled and he smiled back. Cam coughed at us telling us they had to move onto the next people. "Well um Liv would you want to come later to see us?" Nash asked. "We have VIP's we will see each other later anyways." I said. "No I mean like for you to uh well I mean like you see..." Nash tried to explain to me but Cam cut in. "He means do you guys want to hang out at our hotel later." I looked over to Meggie and she had a huge smile plastered across her face. "How could we say no?" I said smiling at them. They smiled back and Nash still looked like he had some disorder come over. "See you later!" Nash called after us as we walked away to see the other boys. "Bye Nash!" I said. Meggie looked over to me smirking. "What?" I asked after a while. "What's up with you and Nash?" she said wiggling her eyebrows. "Nothing." I said lying. I definitely feel something towards him but I don't think he does. I don't like them though so how does this work? He just seemed star struck earlier. "That was not nothing back there. Cam and I both saw the way you looked at each other, the way you held each other, and the way you talked and acted around each other.  You cannot tell me nothing happened back there." Meggie rambled on. "I don't really know I guess he might like me but I don't know how he could." I explained. "Liv he likes you." Meggie said. I nodded. "Ok I'm not even gonna fight with you." I said. I didn't believe it one bit and I could easily admit that but Meggie would have none of it and she would fight with me for the rest of my life. We walked along to the next line in silence and then we stood in line in silence too. "Do you really think he likes me?" I asked. "Yes!" Meggie yelled. "Why do you think he would hug you for so long? You were standing there for like 5 minutes just hugging!" she emphasized. I blushed. "Oh and on top of that he thinks it's cute when you blush. Yes we heard him say that." She said laughing. "Why do you always have reasonable explanations?" I asked. She laughed and we saw Jack J and Jack G come into view of the line we were in.


We waited in lines for too long. It was fun but I hated the lines. Meggie wouldn't shut up to the boys about Nash and I. It was nothing he probably treats all of his fans like that. I told Meggie that too and she said that the other boys said he has never acted like that to other fans. At this point I have no explanation for what happened. I wish I did. We are on our way to the VIP meet up right now and then we are supposed to go back with the boys to their hotel. As we walked back to the stage where we are supposed to meet for the VIP thing I saw no one. There weren't any girls just standing around waiting. What's going on here? We walked closer and the boys were sitting on the stage. "Where are the other girls for the VIP?" I asked. Everyone looked towards Nash. "My stomach hurt really badly earlier so we called it off right? Well then I felt better only like 10 minutes ago and it sounded as if you guys hadn't heard about it being called off yet so we came." He explained. Meggie looked over to Cam and then Cam and Meggie both looked at me smirking. "Why do you always look at me like that?" I asked Meggie. "No reason." She said really stalkerish. I shook it off and walked over to Nash. "Well then what should we do?" I asked. "We should probably go back to the hotel before we get spotted and people get suspicious." Carter said. Meggie and I both agreed not wanting any drama and we all loaded into the boys' limo. We pulled up to a big hotel and it looked really familiar. I looked across the street to see the ocean and then I looked a little bit down the road to see my grandma's house. "Meggie! Look!" I yelled. She followed my finger to where I was pointing and she smiled. "What?" asked Jack G. "We are staying with my grandma who just so happens to live right down there." I said still pointing to her house. I looked over to Nash to see his reaction. He was smiling as big as he was when we met them. I smiled at him as he looked towards me. We all piled out of the car and I called my grandma to let her know where we were. The boys led us up to their hotel room and it was a suite. I still don't understand how they fit 9 boys in here though. "What do you want to do?" asked Cam. "Let's play a game." Jack J suggested. We all nodded and then agreed on truth or dare. Everyone formed a circle and then Nash sat next to me. The order went Nash, me, Jack G, Jack J, Carter, Cam, Meggie, Matt, Taylor, Aaron, and then Shawn. "Who is gonna go first?" I asked.  "ME!" Nash yelled. Cam laughed at him. I looked at Meggie with a questioning look and she just shrugged. She seems to have a bond with Cam going. "Meggie truth or dare?" he asked. "Dare." She said. Nash smirked at cam and then looked back to Meggie. "I dare you to give Cameron a kiss on the cheek." He said. I laughed at her as her cheeks went a bright shade of pink. She flipped me off before she crawled over to Cam. She quickly pecked his cheek and then came right back over planting herself next to me as I rolled on the floor laughing. She slapped me and I sat up trying to calm myself down. My ribs hurt from laughing too much. "Liv truth or dare?" she asked. "Truth." I said. I knew if I picked dare she would want to have revenge. She groaned and then spoke up. "Do you like anyone in this room as in a dating kind of like?" She asked. I could just lie and say no. But that would be considered cheating. "Liv come on we are waiting." She smirked. "You already know my answer." I said. "I know it but the boys don't." She said. "Well you guys know I hated all of you..." "Wait you said hated so does that mean you like us now?" asked Matt. "Sure you could say that but yes I would have to say I like someone in here in a dating matter." I explained. I looked over to Cam and he wiggled his eyebrows. "Ok but anyways Gilinsky truth or dare?" I asked. "Dare." "I dare you to eat some toothpaste." I said. He went into the bathroom and pulled out some toothpaste to eat. We all went around and got asked something then we started to go around again. "Nash truth or dare?" asked Shawn. "Dare." He said. As soon as he said that his eyes got wide. I'm guessing he didn't mean to say dare. Everyone started to laugh lightly knowing what was coming. I didn't know what was coming though. "I dare you to kiss Liv on the lips." Shawn said smiling. I moved closer to Nash and grabbed his hand in mine. "We can do a stage kiss if you want." I whispered. "No I can do this if you want to." He said smiling. I got closer to his face. "I can do it but can you for sure?" I asked. We began to get even closer to the point I could feel the heat of his breath on my face. "I can do it I was just worried about you." He said. "Just kiss me." I said laughing slightly. We closed the gap in between us sealing our lips together. It felt so right and I didn't want to pull away again as I felt with the hug. Only this time I felt as if we were actually glued together. I felt as if I was to try and pull away it wouldn't work. Everything felt so right and I didn't remember anyone was in the room. Finally I grabbed enough sense and pulled away. "Did you feel that?" he asked. I nodded. "Yeah. Have you ever felt that before?" I asked. He shook his head. "That was my first kiss." He said quietly. "Mine too." I said. "GET IT!!!" I heard someone yell from behind us. I turned around and focused my attention on Matt as he laughed. I stood up and Nash tried to pull me back down. "I got this don't worry." I told him. "Oh Matt." I sweetly called. He sat up and tried to run away. I grabbed his arm and pushed him back down. I stood in front of him and then sat on top of his lap. I looked over to Nash and he looked hurt. "Don't worry it means nothing." I mouthed to him. I looked into Matt's eyes and he looked scared. I started to grind on him and he became aroused. A small moan escaped his lips and I kept going realizing that my plan was working. "You like that?" I asked. He responded with another moan. When I felt that he was fully hard underneath me I stopped. He opened his eyes and looked at me. "Too bad cause it means nothing from me." I slapped him and then stood up and walked away. Everyone in the room chorused with laughter and Cam high fived me as I walked back to Nash. I sat on Nash's lap and he played with my hair. "I'm not too heavy am I?" I asked. He shook his head. "You're light as a feather." He said. I smiled and we continued with truth or dare until it was 1 am in the morning. "Do you guys want to stay here tonight?" asked Matt. I looked at Meggie and she nodded. "Sure let me just call my grandma." I dialed her up and she agreed with it. I went back to the main room to see everyone just talking. "How long are you guys staying here?" I asked. "Well this was the last stop of tour and we don't have anything else coming up so it doesn't really matter. We just need to find somewhere free to stay because we can't just stay in the hotel for weeks." Carter explained. I nodded and motioned for Meggie to come with me. "I could ask my grandma if the boys can stay with us. Her house has 15 bedrooms it could fit all of us. We are all old enough to care for ourselves too." I said. She nodded and smiled bigger than ever. We walked back into the room and the boys looked at us. "I can see if you guys could stay with us at my grandma's house. We have enough room and you should all be mature enough." "I'm not sure about the mature part." Matt said. "Well whatever but anyways. If you guys would want to I can ask her. I'm pretty sure she wouldn't mind." I said. "That'd be great! Thanks so much Liv!" Cam yelled. I smiled. "No problem guys." I said. This should be a fun summer.

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