Meeting Magcon (10)

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Meeting Magcon (10)

(Liv's POV)

"Uhm what?" I asked. I didn't think I had heard him right. "Will you be my girlfriend?" he asked again. I had definitely heard him right. I pulled away a bit and looked into his eyes. He looked a bit shocked and had sadness in his eyes also. We stared intently at each other for what seemed like forever and finally I pulled away my stare. "I'll get back to you on that!" I said running out of the room. I ran to the back door and threw it open. "MEGGIE GIRL TALK IS NEEDED!" I screamed. I looked over to the pool where everyone was staring at me. "Meggie c'mon move faster. Get out we need to talk. Major thing right here. I object to wait." I said. "I'm having fun it can wait." She said throwing the ball towards me. "No it can't wait. Girl talk now." I said through clenched teeth throwing the ball in her face. "This is serious guys I'll be right back." She said to the rest of Magcon as she got out of the pool and came over to me. I dragged her inside the house looking around every corner for Nash. I made it up to the room I was staying in and sat down on the bed. "Shut the door and lock it please." I said to Meggie. She shut the door obligingly and sat down in front of me on the ground. "What's wrong? It must be big for this much of a reaction." She said. "Nash asked me to be his girlfriend." I said blankly staring at the wall. "Wait what?!" she yelled. "Nash asked me to be his girlfriend." I repeated. "Are you serious?" she asked. I nodded. "I don't know what to do." I said. "I mean he popped it so quickly and unexpectedly." I stressed. "I'd go for it." Meggie said. "You like him don't you?" she asked. "Well yeah." I nodded. "He obviously likes you if he asked you out and it's clear he cares." She said. "Should I like wait and try to play it cool?" I asked. She nodded. "Wait a few hours as though you had to put some thought into it and so that you don't sound desperate." Meggie said. I giggled and nodded. "Actually don't because he might think that you aren't crazy in love with him then." She said scrunching her eyebrows up. "You need help." I laughed. "Thanks Megs." I smiled, getting up to hug her. "No problem bestie." She said engulfing me in a hug. "I don't know if you realize this but these are my last moments of being a single lady." I said smirking. "You know what this calls for?" Meggie asked. "ALL THE SINGLE LADIES!" we both yelled running out of my room and down the stairs. We ran out back and I blasted the stereo speakers with Beyoncé single ladies. Meggie and I started to scream the words out as all the boys stared at us laughing. I looked over to Nash who was smiling and staring at me. I flashed a smile and wink at him quickly then continued to whip my hair around. Meggie jumped in the pool because she still had her bathing suit on, but me being me jumped in with my damp clothes on. I mean why not? We all cheered as the stereo continued to play single ladies. I swam slowly over to Nash and stood next to him. "So nice weather we are having huh?" I asked him. He turned his head towards me and laughed. "How cliché." He said. "And you're not cliché?" I asked him. "No because last time I checked not many guys ask a girl out in a back room." He said smiling. "True, true." I said smiling. "Oh by the way did you want an answer for that question?" I asked pointing to him. "I mean yeah that would be nice." He said shrugging. "Well I mean I guess, sure." I said shrugging also with a sly smirk on my face. "I wish I could wipe that smirk off your face." He said. I laughed. "Too bad you can't." I said resting my back up against the side of the pool. "Oh but I can." He said. Nash swam around to the front of me. He looked in my eyes and connected our lips. "Is it gone yet?" I asked. "I think so." He said smiling. "I don't." I said pulling him back to seal the gap between us. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Meggie yelled pulling us apart. "Why do you have to be so annoying?" I asked her. "It's my job." She said resting on my shoulder. "Well one it's not anyone's birthday and two you ruined our moment." I said pushing her off. She smiled. "You're welcome." She said grinning widely. I shoved her underwater and when she came back up she started to chase me around the pool which ended up with her falling again into the water face first. We all swam for a bit more and then decided to get out. We all sat out in the sun joking about and tanning a little. Finally, we went back inside and we settled down. Everyone decided to go out to Taco Bell for a quick and easy dinner. We all walked and my grandma decided that she would just make her own food. I'm pretty sure I'll be able to handle this summer. I mean everyone is really chill and it's all gone pretty good so far. I mean hey I'm not single anymore!


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