Meeting Magcon (11) FINAL CHAPTER

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Meeting Magcon (11)

(Liv's POV)

When we got back from Taco Bell everyone crashed on the couch and chairs in the living room and we watched some movies. I fell asleep first by the last thing I saw looking around the room.


I woke up slowly and opened my eyes. The light flooded them and I smiled. I was in my own bed meaning someone must have carried me upstairs. I'm guessing Nash. I swung my legs over the side of the bed and stretched. I got up and opened my curtains then went into my bathroom. I took a quick shower and then put a little makeup on quickly. I went into my closet and picked out some high wasted shorts along with a crop top that was a light blue with pink flowers on it. I threw my clothes on quickly and slipped on white flats. While I walked down the stairs I clipped a flower into my hair. I smiled as the smell of bacon filled my nose. "What are you guys making?" I asked walking into the kitchen. "Pancakes, waffles, eggs, and bacon, a little toast also." Taylor rambled. "Ok I get it." I said holding my hand up to his mouth. He smiled underneath my hand and pulled it away. "I'll set the table." I said. Everyone mumbled ok's and I grabbed plates and silverware. I laid a plate on every place mat walking around the table until I bumped into something and almost dropped the plates. "Woah, sorry." Nash said. "Nah these aren't grams good plates anyways, it wouldn't have mattered. I could've bought her new ones." I said laughing a bit. He nodded and continued on his way. I walked over to the island and grabbed plates with food on them. I set them all in separate spots on the table. "Are we ready to eat?" I asked. The boys cooking nodded and I called for everyone else to come too. We all sat down and when I went to reach for the bacon I realized there was only real bacon on the table. I scanned the table before starting to get up. "What do you need Liv?" Jack G. asked. "I eat turkey bacon. I just won't eat real bacon." I said giggling. As I walked into the kitchen my grandma came out holding a plate with turkey bacon on it. "Liv I made bacon for you since I saw there wasn't any already." She said smiling and handing me the plate. "Thanks grams." I said taking the plate from her. It had five pieces of bacon on it all nicely placed. I smiled and sat back down at my seat.


(Liv's POV)

Today was the day I get my cast off. I don't even remember what it's like to have a useable arm anymore. Nash was driving me to the hospital right now to have it removed. I jumped up and down in my seat as I watched the road. "Calm down Liv." Nash said reaching over and setting his hand on my casted one. "I can't. Do you understand what is about to happen?" I asked. He nodded. "I know. You've told me about every day for the past week." He said laughing. I tried to wrap my fingers around his hand to the best of my ability. We drove down the road until I saw the hospital come into view and I squealed. The car swerved and Nash sighed. "You need to chill." He said. I laughed. "Sorry I'm excited." I said. Nash parked the car and we walked inside. We were taken back right away since it would only take a little bit and it wasn't an emergency so we were in a different area. They had me turn my head because they said it can make some people nauseous. I felt a bit of tugging and a small pinch and cold air washed over my arm. I smiled at the feeling and tried to turn my head but as soon as I got a look at my arm I turned my head back the opposite direction. It was dirty because it hadn't been washed in 8 months and it had weird bruise marks on it. A warm wash rag was wiped over my arm and they put a weird gel on it. Finally, they said I could look and I smiled because my arm was back to normal. They sent us on our way and Nash and I talked to the people at the front desk and then headed home. The guys decided to stay with us until my cast was off. It was a very nice gesture of them and I was glad I would see my boyfriend for 8 months straight. When we got home everyone was so happy that I was happy and it was back to normal. I was definitely happy as well.


(Liv's POV)

It's been four years since I have seen Nash in person. It's been hard. We would only see each other over FaceTime's. I cried multiple times. It was sad to know that my relationship was with a boy who I could never see. I still loved Nash though. Meggie is dating a boy named Jake and they have been dating for 2 years now. I'm proud of her and she is really happy as well. I never knew our life would happen like this. Nash and I are seeing each other today for the first time in four years. He told me there is good and bad news and that I might hear about the bad news before he arrived. I was very anxious to hear what has happened. I haven't seen him in four years I'm pretty sure someone would be excited. Nash was supposed to land at 3 and it was 2 now. Nash told me I'm not allowed to see him until 5 though. I don't know why he told me it was a big surprise and that it was the good news. About 15 minutes until Nash was supposed to land I got a text from Taylor telling me that Nash told him to tell me to search Magcon on google. I texted him back saying ok and grabbed my laptop. I opened a tab for google and typed in Magcon. The first few things that popped up were articles with headlines such as "Magcon Broke" "Magcon Wasn't Forever" "Magcon Sadly Done" and many more like that. I clicked on Hollywood13 and read about it. "Magcon has officially broken up because the boys want to settle down and have families." I read aloud to myself. What does that mean? Is one of the guys gonna propose to their girlfriend? Was that what Nash's good news was? And the bad news was Magcon breaking up? I wasn't exactly sure but I couldn't wait to see Nash.


Nash texted me telling me to meet him at South Avenue Park at 5. I wrapped my hair up in a bun quickly and threw in some sweats. It was fall and very cold out for California. It never got this cold. I always kind of liked the cold though. I jogged down the streets with my phone in my hand. I opened up my camera and started to record a vlog for my YouTube. Yes, I started a YouTube. It was mainly for like outfits, makeup, and updating my life. But, sometimes I would upload a fun video. "Hey guys! It's Liv and right now I'm jogging down the streets of California to get to South Avenue Park to meet Nash my boyfriend of about 5 years as some of you may know. I haven't seen him for 4 years and it was heartbreaking and you guys cannot imagine how excited I am to finally see him face to face." I said. I turned the last to corner to be at South Avenue Park and I looked towards the gate to see Nash standing there in preppie clothing. "I swear if you plan on taking me out to dinner with me looking like this you're mistaken." I said smiling at Nash. I ran over to him with the camera still recording and jumped into his arms. I got off of him and looked directly into his eyes. "Continue to record because I have great news." He said. I nodded and faced it towards me. Nash knelt down on one knee and pulled out a small box from his jacket pocket. I covered my hand with my mouth and looked at him in awe. "Liv the day I met you I never wanted to let you go. I knew the girl with the blue hair was the girl for me. My goal was to make you like me. I didn't car how long it took to make you mine. Every day that I was away from you these four years I felt like I was missing something, and I was. A chunk of my heart was missing because the girl of my dreams wasn't next to me. I never want to feel that again and I want to make sure I am with you every step of the way. So, Livia Louise Jones will you change Jones to Grier and be my wife?" he asked looking up at me. I smiled and began to cry. I fell into Nash's arms on the ground and bawled. I nodded and choked out a yes. He stood us up and hugged me tight. I continued to cry as he turned the camera so that you could see him kiss me. Then, I shut the camera off after giving a small wave. I leaned against Nash the whole way home and couldn't wipe the smile off of my face. That's who wanted to settle down and have a family. This is what Meeting Magcon turned out to be.


HELLO GUYS! THE BOOK IS OVER! I'm so happy I could finish this. Another book will be on the way and I will still be updating Upside Down Life. I hope you guys enjoyed this and I hope you have already voted or will go back and vote! Thank you for reading all of this if you came this far! Hope you guys enjoyed and I'll see you in my next books! BYEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! –Olivia <3

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