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"Can you come see real quick."

"On it." Erza looked at her daughter and put a finger over her mouth as they hid. Once he turn the corner they jumped up.

"HAPPY  BIRTHDAY!" The two shouted as the werewolf put his hands up.

"Aw you girls remembered." Lori rolled her eyes at her father.

"Dad, it's every year on the same day, hard to forget." Erza smiled at her family and kissed her husband.

"Happy birthday."

"What did I do to deserve this?"

"Hm." Lori grabbed Theo's hand and dragged him to the table. "Time for cake!"

"How about presents first?"

"No, cake then presents. We're non traditional." Theo laughed at his daughter and sat down as Erza and Lori pulled out their phones for pictures. Theo looked at his wife seeing that smile on her face was so worth it living. He watched as they sung happy birthday, every year they do the most simplest things but still. He loves it. He looked at his daughter and he finds himself lucky to have not just one amazing woman in his life but two. "Blow out the candles!" Theo snapped out of it blowing the candles out in one blow smiling at his family.

"How does 33 feel?"

"You guys make me feel 50 so pretty good." Erza laughed dipping her finger into the cake, Theo smirked thinking she was gonna eat and say something remarkable. Instead his beautiful wife took her finger and poked his nose. Lori's eyes widen at the two as Theo does the same.

"Oh it's on." Lori videos the two as they began to make art with the cake. She smiled as Theo pulled her mom into his lap kissing her head softly. "Come here, Lor." The girl jumped over to her parents turning the phone over to get them all.

"Birthday, number 15! Dad's 33, feels 50 apparently." Theo nudged his little girl making her laugh. "Say 'Je t'aime'"

"Je t'aime!" She ends the video after getting up and cleaning the up the mess her parents made.

"Look at our baby, cleaning up after us. You want your gift now?"


"Lori, gifts." Lori dropped the knife and picked up the boxes. She handed him the small one as the placed the big one on the ground.

"This one is from me." He opened it seeing a watch, he flipped it over seeing their initials carved in it. "I heard the one you had broke, and mom helped me pick this one out... with the extra cash I made from the extra shifts from the cafe..."

"Honey... I love it." She smiled before handing the slightly bigger box. "This is from mom."

"And Lori." They watched him open it before his hands quiver.

"Is this...?"

"I looked threw some police evidence thanks to Stiles. It's your sister's bracelet."

"Babe.. I..."

"Is it too much? I know you have bad memories with her after the whole..." Erza stopped herself and looked at their daughter. "Um.. thing with Scott. But, I figured the girl who knew the ten year old you.. would want this."

"Erza..." He looked up at his wife and smiled, tears threatening to spill. "I love you so much... you too baby girl." Lori heart tugged at her fathers face.

"I wish I would've met her."

"She would've loved you."

"Erzyyyy." Erza jumped up off Theo quickly.


"Erzy, somethings happening." The woman looked around yelping as she saw Brett on the other side of the room.


"Erza?" She looked at Theo and grabbed his arm before looking back at Brett. Theo followed and groaned. "Um, Lori can you go get some advil out the bathroom, think you're moms having cramps." Lori nodded and walked out the room quickly. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"I'm technically not here."

"You said somethings happening. What is?"

"Allison." Erza looked at her ex as her sisters name left his lips.


'protect my sister.'

'you're not ordinary.'

"What about her?"

"Sorry, Erzy. I can't say more. You've been seeing her haven't you?" Theo looked at his wife confused.


"The little ones gonna find out about the supernatural sooner or later. Can't protect her forever."

"I can try." Lori walked in confused looking between her parents.

"Can try what?" They turned to her shocked/

"Lori didn't see you there. Um, gonna try to teach you more French."

"Oh. Cool. I've been wanting to know more French."

"Great." Erza looked down at her phone as it rung.

"That can't be a coincidence." She sighed and picked up the phone.


"Hey, look I'm sorry to call so late. I just.. wanted to see how you were doing."

"I'm fine, Theo's fine, Lori is fine. Hey dad, can I ask you something about Allison?" Theo looked at his daughter and sighed.

"Have you been seeing her too?"

"Too? You've been seeing her?"

"In my dreams she keeps whispering..."


"Yeah. How'd you know?"

"Dad, it's been 15 years, why now?"

"Maybe somethings changed... maybe... maybe their back."

"You mean the Oni? Dad how is that possible? The oni died. We traped the nogitsune remember? Liam has it safe."

"Are we so sure? That the fly is there?"

"It has to be, we all saw Isaac trap it."

"Im going to Beacon tomorrow to see Scott. If we're seeing her, he has to be. I mean she was his anchor."

"Yeah, well... let me know. Please."

'Of course. Tell Lori I love her. I love you too, Erza."

"Yeah, we love you too, dad. Be safe, if the Oni are back... hell is coming." Erza hung up her phone waiting for a ring.

"What the hell is an Bardo? Wait that's not even my first question." The couple looked at their 15 year old.

"Brett was right, she has to know."

"It's about time we tell you everything. You might want to sit down, baby girl." Erza sat on the edge of the table as their daughter sat in the chair Theo was sitting previously. Theo stood next to his wife placing her hand on her shoulder.

"Its time, Erza."

"Let's start from the beginning. Bardo, was your first question, it's a state between life and death. Scott, Stiles, and you're aunt... Allison all went there after they died, technically. But was brought back to life. Bardo.. isn't a place you'd want to be. Your alive but stuck in the same dreams. But that's just the gist of it, there's more you need to know."

Bardo- Theo Raeken (teen wolf movie)Where stories live. Discover now