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"Lori!" Lori and Theo looked over at Erza as she ran over. "Oh thank god you're okay." Erza then stopped and looked down at her phone. "Scott?"

"Hey, she woke up. But she doesn't remember me. We think all she remembers is she hunts and kills our kind."

"That's not good Scott."

"She's looking for Derek."

"He's here. He's at the high school watching Eli play right now."

"Then she's on the way there, now." Erza froze in her place before looking around.


"That feelings back." Lori looked down feeling it too.

"The one you got from the woods?"

"The same one."

"I feel it too, mom." Erza looked at her daughter and grabbed her hand.

"She's here. Scott she's here."

"You have to get to Derek!" Erza hung up and looked around again.

"Shit, he was right here." She ran down to coach asking where they went.

"You were right, he's good. Reminds me of Biles."

"Stiles. But coach where are they?"

"He hurt his foot they're in the locker rooms." She immediately took off in the directions of the locker rooms.

"I see Eli!"

"Go! Both of you. I have to help Derek!" She ran in seeing Derek hold Allison up against the rackets roaring before he calmed down looking at her in shock.

"Allison?" She kicked him off and quickly shot an arrow.

"Allison!" She turned around and looked at her sister.

"Erza?" She turned her attention back to Derek watching him run away, she quickly withdrew her arrow catching most of his neck.

"NO!" She ran to the boy on the ground with tears in her eyes.

"Erza, run."

"NO. I'm not leaving you."

"Erza. You have to run." The sound of string getting pulled back filled Erza's ears before a snapping sound was made. She looked over at her sister watching the arrow come close, but before she could do anything a hand stopped it making the tip of the arrow barley touch her nose.


"That's my wife you almost killed!" His eyes turned yellow as he let out a roar. Erza looked at Allison as she tried to shoot another, Liam catching that one. Another chick showed up letting the other arrows hit her arm before they burned up.

"Why Erza?"

"Cause I'm not human anymore, sis." Allison looked at everyone and took off running. "Where is Lori?"

"She's with Eli they got in the car and left. I couldn't leave you." Scott came running into the hallway after bending down to Derek.

"Scott, get to Eli."

"Derek, he's not here."

"He was." Erza told him.

"He knows what to do. We... we have a plan. He has the... he has the car."

"Don't... don't try to talk."

"Eli, he'll go to the shop. He knows what to do."

"Don't talk." Erza cried over Derek's body.

Bardo- Theo Raeken (teen wolf movie)Where stories live. Discover now