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Theo looked at his wife who slept peacefully in the passenger seat of his pick up, then looked into the review mirror at his daughter who stared out the window. "What's on your mind Lori?"

"Hm? Oh... nothing just wondering what mom was like at my age." Theo laughed at the question.

"A lot like you. She always believed the good in things... in me. When Allison died, she... fell off into a deep depression. Where she met Brett... he uh, healed her."

"What happened?"

"He died... at the hands of her grandfather." Lori's eyes widen at the statement, sitting up more in her seat. "That's when Erza realized she could speak to them... because of her power."

"That's why she was acting weird earlier? Not because of cramps?"

"Yeah sorry sweets, we weren't ready for you to know. But when he died she was a mess."

"That's where you came in?"

"Yeah, I was there for her... I took care of her watched out for her. Fell for her. It was easy really, when I was fighting against Scott and them... she was the one rule I had. No harm could come to her, something about her... drew me to her. But... I thought I lost her trust. She was the one friend I had when I was with the Doctors. I got another chance and proved that I earned it."

"Then she fell for you?"

"Yeah. Somehow. Then we moved away, wanting to forget Beacon and the tragic memories that followed. Then we had you, and great memories came from it."

"She misses them doesn't she? The pack?"

"More than you know. A pack is like a bond, like the bond we all have. Losing one of us is... the most painful thing you can imagine."

"Will she be okay?" Theo looked at his daughter as she reasked him the same question.

"As long as we're there for her. She will be." He looked at the welcome to Beacon Hills sign and moved on of his hands to shake his wife. "Love, we're here." Erza woke up and looked around.

"Wow... still looks the same." She looked at her husband then her daughter and smiled. "This is where I grew up." She smiled at the memories before sighing. She took out her phone calling the sheriff. "Hey, Noah. Do you know where Scott is?"

"Erza? Hey! Scott's in town?"

"You don't know?"

"Is that Erza?"


"Yeah, what don't I know."

"I don't know exactly for sure what it is but I'll tell you when I find out... tell Mason I say hi. And so does Theo." Theo rolled his eyes and gripped the steering will.

"He says yeah right and he misses you."

"I'll be sure to stop by and say hi." As she hung up she glanced at Theo. "What?"

"You know Mason doesn't like me."

"He seemed fine when we left."

"Yeah, because we knew we'd never see each other again."

"Oh what ever you big baby. I guess we go to Scotts old house?"

"Yeah, I remember the way."

"Is Mason?"

"No, but his boyfriend Corey is... a chameleon?"

"Really? Cool."

"Yeah, but they are doing the long distance thing, I'm sure it's hard."

Bardo- Theo Raeken (teen wolf movie)Where stories live. Discover now