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Lori looked down at the ground before stopping. "Lori?" Eli looked at her confused as she stood still. "Lori?" He grabbed her shoulders trying to shake her but she wouldn't budge. "Lori can you hear me?" He looked around scared for the girl, he didn't know what to do. "What do I do? I don't know what to do." When she gasped out air the boy jumped back. His eyes widen as he looked at her bright blue eyes. "Lori... your eyes."

"What? What just happened?"

"I don't know... but you're eyes.... they were a bright blue, your whole eye..."


"A bright blue, like my uncle Peter's..."

"I... my mom. We have to go."

"Shouldn't we go back for her?"

"Look, I don't like leaving her just as much as any person... but... She wants me safe, and that didn't feel... safe. It felt off. Like way off. And for once I'm going to do what she says and leave. Are you coming with?" Eli looked back into the woods then at the girl.

"She has Scott whos a true Alpha and you're dad. Plus a banshee and my cousin... and you."

"I have no one."

"You have me. Let's go." She began to follow him once again out of the woods.

"So how come you don't play." She asked breaking the silence that fell over.

"Uh, coach never gave me time."

"Coach... Finstock?"

"Yeah you know him?"

"He's my godfather."


"Yeah. I never met him, but mom said he was a positive influence in her life. And he was quick to agree and help when he found out she was having me."

"That's nice."


"She's alive?" Erza asked looking at the stump.

"This can't be real."

"Yeah, no kidding since she was cremated."

"She looks pretty un-cremated to me."

"She's literally been reconstituted out of thin air." Lydia spoke up.

"After Erza touched the tree she.. zoned out."

"What did you see? Feel?" They all looked at Erza as she stared at her sister.

"I just saw memories. But it was off. Like it was her... but not her at the same time."

"So none of this was part of the instructions?" Malia asked.

"I got a question. What do we do when she wakes up?" Lydia looked at Theo as he hugged his wife.

"If she wakes up."

"We need some help." Scott took his jacket off and wrapped it around her before picking her up. "Guess it's time to see my mom, huh?"

"Sounds wise, let's go." Scott used his sense of smell to lead us back to the truck.

"Baby." Erza looked at him as he grabbed her hand. "You're eyes turned bright blue, like the whole eye."


"Maybe it was your power?"

"Bright blue... Like Peter Hale?"

"Hey no."

"If this is supernatural related bright blue normally means killing an innocent."

"But you're not a werewolf. You're a protector. Bright blue is the color of your shield."

Bardo- Theo Raeken (teen wolf movie)Where stories live. Discover now