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"Should we call Malia?" Erza asked as they got walked out the house.

"I already did, she's meeting us there."

"Okay. Cool. We'll follow behind y'all."

"Okay... hey, your dad said you've been seeing Allison."

"Yeah, she comes in flashes. Other times she's there."

"Does she ever say anything."

"No, its the past her reciting words over, from every memory I have up to her death..."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be I'm thinking positive like Theo said too."

"How's that going?"

"It's good, he's really changed after Liam brought him back."

"That's good. We should get going, don't wanna keep Malia waiting."

"Yeah, Ill see you there."

"OK." Erza got back into the truck as Theo started it. He began to follow Scott to the woods.

"You know the last time I was in the woods I think was when you guys followed me."

"Actually it was when we found Mason tied up before turning into the beast."

"Oh... right."

"Actually I think it was when we trapped a rider."

"That's right."

"You two seriously have some stories to tell me when we get back home."

"We do, don't we." Erza got out the truck once they arrived to the sign saying 'Beacon Hills reserved' she then helped out her daughter before looking at Scott. She gave Lydia a confused look who gave her one back. She watch Lydia roll her eyes and get out the car, Scott later following.

"Mal!" She looked at you in shock and gave you a hug.

"Hey!" Lydia was next.

"I missed you!"

"I missed you too." Erza laughed at the look on her face.

"No, you didn't."

"Okay, I wanted to." Lydia laughed and pulled away from the hug.

"Well, that I can believe." Erza looked between her and Scott.



"It's good to see you."

"It's kind of awkward to see you." Erza then held her breath as Malia gazed at Theo and her daughter. "Theo. You better been taking care of Erza."

"I have been. Um, this is our daughter, Lori."

"Hi, I think we met before when I was little."

"Right, you were five."

"Um, so how about we go find a tree in the woods."

"Yeah, come on." They began to follow Malia, Erza looked at her daughter and grabbed her shoulder.

"So this Nemeton, what's the story behind it?"

"Um... it was a hug tree but... Kira's mom hid  powerful spirt in it... and I guess it kinda took over. and then the tree got cut down and then we let out the nogitsune. The druids call is a Sacred Grove. Druids use it to gain power, but they are called Darachs. They feed off virgins, healers, philosophers, warriors, and guardians. Human sacrifices to get stronger. Our old English teacher killed 12 people... to get revenge on the Alpha pack."

Bardo- Theo Raeken (teen wolf movie)Where stories live. Discover now