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"Eli. Eli, can you hear me?" Elis head dropped before he picked it up looking around, he noticed Lori with her head resting on the post, she was sitting down near the stairs as he was standing.

"We're not dead."

"Not yet." Lori answered.

"It's just an illusion."

"What about them?" The teens looked at six of the Oni, she snickered and rolled her eyes.

"Pretty sure they are here to feed off our pain, my mom did tell me about that." Derek tried to pull hard enough to break the bonds.

"Derek. I'm not so sure even your strength could break these bonds, not here."

"Eli, are you okay? How's your leg?"

"Yeah, it's fine. It's healed."

"You learn how to heal?" Lori looked up noticing how proud he is of his son.

"Well, Scott did most of it."

"That's amazing."

"Hey, Derek." Deaton spoke up catching his attention again. "Maybe you want to be a little more subtle with your antics."

"The Nogitsune isn't gonna kill us, not yet. He put us here to watch him win." Liam spoke up looking up at the girl. "Lori?" The girl nodded slowly at the boy, "I had a friend named Lori once. You're alot like her. Kind."

"Wait, do you guys hear that?" Derek asked making everyone listen closely, distant cheers can be heard threw the illusion.

"It sounds like..."



"I think the accelerant use to start these fires might be the same one used to start a fire over 20 years ago."

"Are you talking about the fire that killed Derek's family?"

"And there's one more thing. The person who came up with this formula is supposed to be dead."

"'Supposed to be dead' is starting to be a recurring thing around here."

"Yeah, first Peter, then Kate... now this."


"A man looks at a photograph of another man. He says, 'Brothers and sisters I have none. But this man's father is my father's son. Who is the man in the photograph?"

"My son." Derek looked at his son as the Nogitsune got close, "don't be afraid."

"Oh, of this guy? No, no way." He leaned his hand up grabbing ahold of the boy. "Oh, my god, he's touching me."

"The lover of Lori Raeken, the son of Derek Hale. But not a wolf yet, is he? When the night falls, he may earn his fangs, his claws, watching the rest of you die!"

"Oh god, shut up already." Lori's head snapped up at her father's voice.


"Theo Raeken, killer of many. Father of Lori." He bent down looking at Lori close up, "Not full protector and not full wolf. But 50/50, how lucky."

"Guilty, not will you shut up."


"Liam if you haven't noticed I was with the Dread Doctors since I was 10. I stopped being scared of things after that."

"But you'll be scared for your daughter won't you."

"Touch her and I'll snap your neck."

"Feisty isn't he Lori. Has he told you everything about his past." Lori looked down ashamed. "Oh, he has. How do you think she feels. You think she's scared of you?"

Bardo- Theo Raeken (teen wolf movie)Where stories live. Discover now