Slack jawed, staring

58 2 27

August 15 2017

(Anya's point of view)

The next few weeks went the same; I'd do work for Duo most of the day, then have a relaxing night, which usually ended with Brian calling me or me spending the night on his couch.

He's such an amazing person and he just keeps getting better the more I get to know him. I hate that Trixie didn't introduce us earlier.

Brian invited me to watch her, Ginger and possibly Trixie perform at Hamburger mary's tonight. I'm currently getting ready for that.

"What are you doing, i'm bored" said Matt as he walked into my room, sitting on my bed. "I'm getting ready to see Ginger and Katya perform," I told him. "Umm when did I miss my invite?" he asked.

"When did I have the time? You were bouncing from dick to dick, while I was busy busting my ass to provide for you and the children" I joke. "It's your job as their mother to feed them and keep them clothed. Do you need help doing that as well" he said in a snooty manner. "That's not fair and you know it, Jerry Lou" I gasp. We break out into laughter.

I wipe away the power from under my eyes then start carefully placing blush down.

"Are you still not going to invite me to meet your girlfriend?" He asked. "Fine. Hear Ye Hear Ye, I've been informed that I must ask Sir Matthew Taylor out to the Royal Drag Queen show" I clear my throat before continuing. "Dear, Sir Mathias Tanner, would you like to come and throw tips at Transvestites with me?" I say in my best 1600s accent. "Hearsay Hearsay, Sir Marcel Tobias says Yes to the Dress" we both howl with laughter.

Once it dies down, I go back to finishing my face. "I shall put on my knightley garments,'' he says, swiftly walking out of my room. I chuckle to myself and stand when my makeup is done.

I put on a red maxi dress to match my lipstick. It has a plunging neckline and a full lace back. Then I put my black heeled boots on.

As for my makeup; i did a small smoky wing and the aforementioned red lipstick, something simple yet classy.

To finish the look, I put on a gold tennis bracelet, gold hoops and a rose gold necklace with an 'A' pendant.

I spray on some vanilla scented perfume and walk out to the living room.

Somehow Matt was already ready and waiting for me. "What time are we getting picked up?" He asked. He is wearing some black slacks and a satin button up shirt, with dress shoes and all gold jewelry.

"Trixie should have been here by now" shrugging, I placed a wad of ones, tens and fifty's into my right boot. I also slip my phone into it.

"I'm ready" I say, making my way to the front door. Matt follows. "Great. Let's go "

Once we got off the elevator, we were greeted with Trixie and Katya, they looked like they were waiting for the elevator.

"Hey!" I say. "Katya, this is Matt, my roommate and business partner, Matt this is Yekaterina" I introduced them. Katya doesn't say anything, she just stands there staring at me, slack jawed. Her body is clad in a big trench coat that covers everything but her face and shoes.

"Hi Matt, Anya forgot to mention you were coming" Trixie hugged both Matt and I. "Did I cause a problem, mother?" I ask. "No, but your mom caused a problem when she gave birth to you'' Matt cut in. I slap his shoulder playfully.
Trixie, who is wearing a pink sequined leotard, awkwardly looks between her friend's starstruck face and mine.

"ты что возбудился или у тебя инсульт?" I leaned in to hug Katya, whispering in her ear. The Russian seemed to break her from her daze. "First one" she got out, her voice raspy.

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