Best Kiss I've Ever Had

54 2 7

August 15 2017

Once she was finished cleaning us both off, she started putting on her wig. The blonde Bob wig she had on before was just a place holder I guess. The wig she's putting on now is a lot longer and has way more layers.

"What was wrong with the other wig?" I ask, applying some more red lipstick. "Nothing, just thought I'd put on a show for my spit swapping buddy" she smiled at me through the mirror. I smirk and place one kiss on her neck. "I'm keeping that on me all night" she said. "You'll look like a whore. But what's new" I joke. She playfully swats my arm then laughs.

"Have you ever seen me perform?" She asked after she stopped giggling. "On RuPaul, that's it. I wanted to save my viewing for the real thing, although my standards are pretty low as the last time I saw you perform, you went home" I smile cheekily. "You little, негодяй" She chuckles. "I'll work my pussy out for you this time, Barbra" She assured. "You better"

"What song did you pick tonight?" I ask, toying around with the makeup she had laying out. "Same parts" she grinned cheekily. "You're such a Tatiana pig" I say. "Slut. Not a pig" she corrected. I hum.

She finished playing with her wig, making it look perfectly disastrous. "Will you share with me, Linda?" She turned to me. "Depends," I answered. She cheekily smirks and presses her plump lips to mine, pecking me three times.

"Thanks. Looks perfect" she said as she pulled back and looked in the mirror. "If you want tips shoved down whatever is under that coat then I'm sure you'll need more lipstick" I remark. "Hmm, you're right" she pulls me in for another kiss and I giggle into her mouth.

I'll never be able to get over the feeling of her lips on mine. It's the best kiss I've ever had. It's soft yet demanding, spicy yet vanilla, and just the right amount of teeth and tongue. It's heavenly.

"Okay. Okay, I'm gonna pop my tuck" she chuckled into the kiss. "I didn't know I could have such a detrimental effect on people. Or maybe you're just weak" I tease. "You little deviant. I'm not weak, I'm just a horny, horny woman looking for a good fucking" she replied. "Will you fuck me in my tight hole some time" she said in her Maureen voice. "You wish" I can feel my stomach clenching at the thought of me fucking him. Or rather her. "I do. I also dream about it every time I close my eyes, Margaret" she licks across my bottom lip before sucking it into her mouth and biting.

She finally pulled away and I looked in the mirror. "I have to fix it again, you freak. Unlike you I don't have endless makeup skills" I groan. "You're lucky that you don't have a lumberjack's beard growing on your chin. You think your life is hard, Brenda" I chuckle. "Sorry, mother. I've been narcissistic again" I pout playfully. "You have, naughty girl. I might have correct that through sexual acts" she purrs. I pulse deep down and I have to force myself not to moan out at the new nickname. I press one last peck to her lips, hoping off the stool and fixing my lips.

"You drive a hard bargain. I'll see you out there, детка" I wave. I need to get out of here before I combust. "Ta, ta, зайка" She smiled.

As I walk out to the hallway, I have to stop myself to take a breath. Sadly that was the most sexual tension I've had in probably over a year. It's not that I don't like sex, I'm actually a very sexual person but I just haven't found anyone I'm fully comfortable with. But with Katya and I's similar personalities, I'm finding it very easy to trust her and feel comfortable around her.

"There you are," said Trixie, walking down the corridor toward me. "We've been waiting for you," she said. "Sorry" I say. "Yeah, yeah, let's go. We want to start shots" she said, grabbing my hand and dragging me to the bar.

I'm three shots deep and feeling better than ever. I like to think that I can hold a lot of liquor so three shots is easy for me. But I can't say the same for Matt. he's taken the same amount of shots and is already sloppy. It's entertaining and annoying at the same time. Trixie and Ginger went back to the dressing room after one shot to "kiki". So Matt and I have been watching the pre-show acts.

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