Mario can't play with you anymore

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Plot: Nintendo's wrath returns even greater with Lawyer Kong in charge, leaving those left to pick up the pieces. Meanwhile, Crystal delves deeper into the darkness of what she knows she is...

(September 4th - 2022)

(Meggy Pregnancy: 19 weeks)

Despite all the events of the last week, things seemed to slide back into the usual madness the next day. Of course, Tari and Meggy had noticed Crystal becoming a lot more withdrawn, a lot more...fearful.

Of course, this day didn't seem any weirder so far. Mario warped through the castle door and made his way past toad.

Toad: Goodness, Mario! The Princess has been captured!

Mario's neck snapped to toad, looking super confused.

Mario: Toad? When the heck did you care about the Princess?

Toad's response seemed almost planned.

Toad: Please help Mario, your our only hope!

Mario looked at Toad oddly, clapping his head as he dropped unconscious. On the upper floor, Bowser appeared with Peach in hand.

Bowser: Mwahaha! It is I, king koopa, and the Princess is mine.

Mario seemed even more confused.

Mario: Bowser, quit acting stupid! Let's go play some video games.

Bowser: Well, if it isn't Mario, my arch nemesis. Get ready to fight!

Annoyed, Mario drew a pistol as Bowser looked fearful-


But when he pulled the trigger, nothing happened.

Mario tried again, but the gun suddenly became censored and turned into a fire flower. Peach continued to cry out, but Mario threw Toad at her and ran out the front castle door.

Bowser: Hey wait! Don't you want to save the Princess?!


Running outside, Mario ran into Luigi who seemed to be his usual self.

Luigi: Mario! There you are!

Doing a test to make sure he was normal, Mario presented a male role model magazine that immediately got his brothers attention. But just then, the magazine glitched and turned into the holy bible, saddening Luigi.

Mario: Oh thank god your still normal Luigi. Something really weird is happening.

Luigi: I know! Everyone's acting strange! And that's not all! I've got something to show you!

Luigi guided Mario as they ran past a tree, where Bowser was flaunting Peach.

Bowser: Hey, look! I got Peach. Gonna kidnap her. Gonna make her my Princess-

Mario cursed at bowser and continued running, leaving him and peach in the dust.


Desti paced back and forth in worry, looking at her watch. Behind her, Luigi and Mario finally arrived.

Desti: Luigi! You found him, finally! Is he normal?

Luigi: Normal as he usually is.

Mario: Hey! Look, what did you guys want me to see?

Desti: Look up.

They all turned as Mario's eyes shrunk.

Mario: Mama Mia...

Smg4: Crystal Splezter 2nd BookWhere stories live. Discover now