Girls Night!

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Plot: In a surprising twist of events, Desti has invited The girls out for drinks and a fun night, leaving Mario and Co in charge of watching the Splezter Children. Any Chef could tell this is a recipe for disaster on both ends!

(November 21st - 2023)

Time passed after the events of Wotfi and once Mario was released from jail, Smg3's Cafe was completed at last! Smg3's coffee and bombs was now open for business in the show grounds and was already showing signs of high popularity.

Strangely though, Desti didn't attend. Others had tried calling her but had been unsuccessful thus far.

On a cold night nearing the beginning of the Christmas month, Smg4 and Smg3 walked down the streets of Meggy's neighbourhood to Desti's home.

Smg4: Hey man, I get you being worried about Desti, but do I really need to come along for this?

Smg3: Yes, because Desti is a nice girl even if she doesn't show it. Though in the likely event she gets her swords out, I plan on using you as a Meat shield.

Smg4: Gee, thanks...

Arriving at her front door, Smg3 knocked at the door. There was no answer. Getting worried, Smg4 looked in the window.

Smg4: Oh god! Her place is trashed!

Smg3: No, it was like that last time I was here. Though it is strange that she hasn't cleaned anything up.

Smg4: Well, maybe she's just lazy, like Mario!


Just then, they turned their eyes to down the street as 2 lasers shot out from the roof and into the sky. Soon after, a car outside was wrapped in a blue glow and flipped outside, followed by the sounds of panicked Italian screaming.

Smg3: Speak of the devil...

Smg4: (Sigh) Cmon, let's see what's wrong.

Smg4 went to go check it out but Smg3 pulled him back.

Smg3: Uh, why should WE be getting involved in this? For all we know, Mario is just playing games with Meggy's family.

Smg4: I think you just answered your own question.

Smg3's eyes went wide.


Five seconds later, he and Smg4 burst through the front door wearing fireman helmets and wielding extinguishers.

Smg4: Where's the fire!?

Soon however, their eyes went wide at what they were seeing.

The living room was an absolute wreck as furniture was toppled over or broken, the sound of infants crying emanating from two different sources.

Mario was chasing after Alice, who was floating around the house while crying, tripping over constantly trying to grab her. Meanwhile, Luigi was sitting on a play mat with Emily, who was also Crying. Luigi seemed tired out of his mind.

Emily's eyes then glowed orange as she shot lasers from them, but Luigi raised a hand mirror to block the beams casually as if he'd done it a thousand times. The lasers nearly hit the Smg's as they ducked for cover.

Smg3: What the hell is going on here!?

Smg3 grabbed Alice as she floated by, holding her in place as Mario collapsed to the ground exhausted.

Mario: No more...exercise...

Luigi looked up surprised and grabbed Emily, running over.

Luigi: Thank god you guys her here! These two are a complete nightmare, I think they're teething!

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