Mario the Fun Uncle

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Plot: Forced into watching Crystal because of "Other events", Mario tries to prove himself the ultimate uncle.

(January 20th - 2023)

(It's time...)

At Omnia Academy, Classes had come back after the Christmas break and clubs had started once again.

In the Meditation club, Luigi was back in his meditation club, being led by a TF2 heavy who did a simple neck rolling exercise.

Luigi went along with the exercise willingly, but Mario looked incredibly bored sitting next to him.

Mario: What is happening right now?

Luigi: This is meditation Mario. If you don't wanna be here, you don't have too.

Mario: I kinda do, I've been rejected from every last club in the school. No one wants a former box club member who almost destroyed the world.

Luigi: What about Smg1 and 2's course on Memes?

Mario: Well...

Mario had a flashback to when he was last in that class, turning into a missile and getting himself, Smg4, Meggy and Melony in detention.

Mario: I'm still not allowed back.

Luigi rolled his eyes, then his phone buzzed.

Luigi: May I be excused?

Leaving the class, He answered the number to find it was Tari.

Luigi: Hey Tari! What's up?

Tari: Hey Luigi! I...Uh, I need you to look after Crystal tonight, okay?

Luigi: Hmm? Why?

Tari: Well, do I put this lightly? Meggy, she...she's in labour.

His eyes went wide with shock and then glee.

Luigi: Oh Tari, that's amazing! Are you two in the hospital?

Tari: No, She dropped Crystal off at School and was in labour when she got back. Her water hasn't broke yet so we have some time before we need to get going. Though to be honest, I'm still on the fence about listening to Meggy about her idea on staying here-Oh, hang on.

Tari was briefly cut off. Luigi could vaguely hear the sounds of Meggy groaning in pain.

Tari: Sorry, it helps her if I rub her back. Look, I just need you to look after Crystal for the night, okay?

Luigi: Sure thing! And If you need help, Just Listen to her and whatever seems best, see how she feels and I'm sure it'll turn out great!

Tari: O-okay...I have to go, she needs me. Bye!


Luigi put his phone away as Mario arrived.

Mario: Who was it?

Luigi: Uh...Mario, does the old couch bed still work?

Mario looked confused, more than usual.

Mario: Why are you asking?


Crystal's eyes flashed as lightning coursed across her whole classroom. Almost immediately, everyone looked at their Phones.

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