Mario Ballin?!?!

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Plot: It's Smg3 vs Smg4 once again in a game to figure out who really is Ballin!

(October 29th - 2022)

(Meggy Pregnancy: 28 weeks)

Standing before their chosen teammates, Smg4 and Smg3 stood ready to make their purpose clear.

Smg4: Alright gang. I brought you all here for one reason. To show that SMG3 AIN'T BALLIN!


The observers in this line were Mario, Bob, Melony, Boopkins, Luigi and Crystal.

Crystal: I am so confused...

Smg4: Mario, Melony, Bob, you guys are on my team.

Mario: Yahoo!

Melony: Okay!

Bob: Let's do this!

Luigi: Boopkins, Luigi, Crystal, your with me!

Boopkins: Yay!!!

Luigi: Uh.....okay...? 

Crystal: Sure! Let's do this!

The two teams split up to strategise.

Crystal: Mister 3, I just wanna tell you...I've never played this game before...

Smg3: Don't worry kid, I reckon we'll smash 'em! Beside, we have a roaring fanbase!

On the bleachers, Meggy, Tari, Desti and Killer Ink were all rooting for their team. A team banner above them read "The former squid's and the cyborg."

Smg3: I'm the one who made that banner.

Meggy: Woo! Go Crystal!

Tari: You've got this!

Desti: Kick their asses Crystal!

Killer ink leader: Show them what for Boss!

Seeing this, Smg4 looked nervous as he turned back to his team.

Smg4: Alright. I have a lot riding on this basketball match. Can I trust you guys to win?

By this point, Melony was already asleep and Mario was chewing a basketball which he accidentally swallowed and choked on. He spit it out, but passed out.

Smg4: Oh no...

Bob: Don't worry Smg4, you are talking to the street-ball master! I used to play basketball all the time, back when I was in...PRISON...

Smg4: Yes!!! I knew it was a good idea choosing you!

Smg3: Hey! You guys ready to play yet?

Ready to play, Team Smg4 and Team Smg3 approached the front lines.

Smg4: You guys are going down.

They lined up ready to play, with all but the sleeping Melony at the ready.

As Lakitu flew in with the basketball on a rope, Smg3 and Smg4 stood at the front, just waiting for the other to make the first move...

And they're off! The game starts as Both Meme guardians make a lunge for the ball, with Smg3 kicking Smg4 back and throwing the ball to Crystal. Dribbling to the ball to the hoop, She's blocked by Mario who stands in her way.

Smg4: Crystal Splezter 2nd BookWhere stories live. Discover now