Mario's Tunnel Of Doom

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Plot: Meggy's final exam is coming up and Tari and Luigi are caught up in it! But to come out on top, the three must face...MARIO'S TUNNEL OF-A DOOM! Ooooo, very scary!

(May 27th - 2023)

In a flashback, we see the glory days of Splatfest, people up in arms cheering as the match reaches its climactic final round!

And now, we can see the mighty Splatfest champion one shot wren approaching the field! His entire team has been eliminated but that's only so he can catch his opponents off guard!

Leaping from a safe spot, Wren fires 3 shots off from his rifle! Per his title, one shot to each opponent is all it takes to disperse them! Wren is killing on the match field!

But what's this?! OH NO! The last one standing is going for Wren with his back turned!

But then-OH! Wren turns and counters with a splat-bomb! The rival team has been defeated and the crowd goes wild!

Announcer: The one and only One-shot Wren has just won his 3rd Splatfest Cup! There is nothing that can stand in his way!!

Wren stands above the match, Taking in the glory like a true hero! He then stands to face the audience with an inspirational message:

One-Shot Wren: Remember kids...Never give up and take your shot!!



Meggy paused the tap as she was working, excitedly scribbling notes in her book as she started writing everything she could need to-


Like an alarm clock for worlds fastest diaper change, Meggy was snapped out of her work by the twins crying.

Meggy: Oh no...

Meggy moved away from her desk and into the twins room. Like she expected, both babies were crying and the room visibly stunk.

Meggy: Oh...I told Tari Spicy chicken was a bad idea, even with a blender...Cmon girls, let's get this over with.

She picked up Alice and Emily and put them on the changing table, giving them both a quick change and some clean onesies while also turning on the air purifier.

Meggy: Woo...much better now, right girls?

The babies babbled happily as Meggy put the tarp over her chest and lifted her girls to feed them.

Meggy: There we go, settle down. Why don't we go see Momma and your big sister? I'm excited to let them know it's almost time!

With that, she quickly made herself decent and grabbed her car keys before dashing out the house.


Meanwhile in the show-grounds, Mario and Luigi were playing a game of Smash bros 69, while Tari was sitting nearby Crystal as she was reading a book.

Tari: What are you reading Crystal?

Crystal: Just some light reading! I'm reading about how gravity works!

Tari (Playing along): Oh, really? What does it say?

Crystal: It says that Isaac Newton was the first to develop a quantitative theory of gravity, holding that the force of attraction between two bodies is proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. Pretty simple really.

Tari just stood with widened eyes.

Tari: Crystal, you're six years old and already more intelligent then...most of your family.

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