WOTFI 2023

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Plot: In a crazy plot chosen by the fans that I hope to trademark as Ocean's 3.5, Smg4, Smg3, Desti and Crystal infiltrate Casino Paisano to get back Smg3's notebook before it's sensitive information can be leaked. Will they succeed or be doomed to fail? The outcome of this story relies entirely on you...

(October 28th - 2023)

Casino Paisano, the most popular casino in the mushroom kingdom...

The building stood at seemingly 30 stories tall, giant dice on either side of the entrance alongside thousands of adoring patrons by a red carpet.

And on this carpet were the main stars of their own secret spy mission. Smg4, Smg3, Desti and Crystal all had their spy outfits for their first mission.

And the stakes had never been higher...


Just a few weeks prior, Smg4 was sat in his room playing club Penguin and having a casual fun time-


When a sword came flying from out of nowhere and stabbed into his laptop, destroying it.

Smg4: MY PC! Who did that!?

Smg4 turned and immediately found himself lifted into the air, his neck grabbed by Desti as she lifted him to her eye level with another sword pointed to his neck.

Desti: Where is he!?

Smg4 (Choking): Where's...Who!?

Desti: You know who I mean! Where's Mario!?

Smg3 suddenly appeared, pulling Desti aside as she dropped Smg4 on the floor.

Smg3: Desti, calm down. He has about as much clue about Mario as you or I.

Desti: Ugh, great...

Smg4: What the hell is going on here!?

Smg3: What's going on is we need your help in getting my notebook back!

Smg4: Really? It's just a notebook, get a new one.

Smg3: Smg4, it's not just a notebook. There's secrets in there that should never get out!

Desti: Yeah, specifically mine!

Smg4: Wait...you write Desti's therapy sessions in your notebook!?

Smg3 (Sarcastically): Of course not, why would I write information about my clients in a book I don't let anyone else look at!?

Smg4: Bro, why didn't you lead with that!? I never would've asked to look if you said that even once!

Smg3: An oversight on my part I'll admit...

Smg4: Besides, why do you need my help!?

Smg3: Well...

Smg3 leaned closer to Smg4, whispering in his ear...

Smg4: That notebook my also include secrets about you and me...and certain events in an igloo...

Smg4 immediately stated thinking about What he meant.

And as the memories came back, he screamed and jumped back up.



The 4 continued to walk the red carpet. Smg4 and Smg3 were casually giving friendly gestures while Desti only gave the occasional wave. Crystal meanwhile was going full blown diva, often running ahead a few feet to stop and pose for the camera's.

Smg4: Crystal Splezter 2nd BookWhere stories live. Discover now