The Void

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Plot: The last thing everyone remembered was darkness as Lawyer Kong won, but no ...where were they? And what could they do but accept their fate?



Meggy: Ngh...

Meggy's eyes opened as the sound of glitching was apparent all around her. She was then shook by Tari's hand on her shoulder.

Tari: Meggy? Meggy, cmon, wake up!

Saiko: Cmon Meggy, we need you up...

Meggy felt her body being lifted as she looked around. Tari hugged her as Saiko was helping her stand.

Meggy: Tari? Saiko, is that you?

Saiko: Yeah, glad your here Meggy.

Meggy: What happened? Everything is a blur...

Tari kissed her and put a hand on her belly, sighing in relief...

Tari: They're okay, healthy heartbeats...

Meggy: Of course they're okay, I've been looking after them!

Saiko: Uh, Meggy? I think it's a bit early to call us okay...

She turned around and all 3 got a proper look at where they were...

Meggy: Oh no...not here...

They appeared to be in a wide space filled with broken glitched versions of some of their familiar locations. The internet graveyard, Meggy and Tari's home, even broken worlds from the destroyed God Box.

Around these wrecked area's and broken locations of their world, everyone was scattered about trying to make sense of it all. Kaizo was moving his destroyed drum set from beneath a car and Melony was helping some young kids find their parents.

Smg3 was running around, helping his memes get their focus on building back up the shelters as he noticed them and ran over.

Smg3: Girls! There you are!

Tari: Smg3! What's going on?

Smg3: We...we lost...

Dread struck all their faces...

Smg3: Miyamoto signed the DMCA. Anyone who wasn't Nintendo got sent here, I can't find My squad anywhere!

Meggy looked around solemnly at everyone, right before another glitch effect was heard and the four of them turned around to see Smg4 on the ground.

Meggy: Smg4!

They ran over as fast they could, Meggy wincing for a moment as she held her belly.

Tari: Thank goodness your okay!

Smg4: Meggy...Crystal, she...she...

Meggy and Tari were both panicked as he tried to speak, but Meggy was the one most concerned.

Meggy: Smg4, what happened with Crystal!?

Saiko: Meggy, just give him a minute-

Meggy: No, I need to know now! What happened to her!?!

Smg4: She...I don't know what happened, she went berserk. Lightning everywhere, her arms...I've never seen so much blood...Lawyer Kong, I don't know what he did with her, but...but it can't be good.

Smg4: Crystal Splezter 2nd BookWhere stories live. Discover now