Mission 13 - Get Past the Traps

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(Mission 12 Winning Option: Tell Mario He's Stinky - 5 Votes)

Desti: Hopefully by this point, we'll have made it to the CEO office, but this place is gonna be armed to the teeth, traps hidden everywhere. We've gotta make sure not to get shot and turn off those traps.

Smg4: Use Smg4's Epic Parkour skills to get through

Smg3: Have Smg3 do a little trolling


Crystal: Warp past the traps and try to turn them off

Smg4: Desti, I'm seriously beginning to wonder if you have a death wish...

Desti: Do you want that Notebook back or not?!

Smg4: Yes, but I think my parkour skills have a better chance!

Smg3: What skills are those exactly? Crystal, can you get past the lasers?

Crystal: Sure! Uh...only if you can help with turning the traps off...

Smg3: Oh boy...

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