Mission 15 - The Big Showdown!

100 1 10


(Mission 14 Winning Option: Use (CORRUPTION DETECTED) - 4 Votes)

Smg4: Alright, the last step! By this point, Mario and Marty will be the last ones in our way! It's do or die time, we need to pick right here or it could mean everything!

Smg4: Use the Power of Friendship!

Smg3: Use the Power of Memes!

Desti: Use the Power of Rage!

Crystal: Use the Power of Teamwork!

Smg4: As long as we stand together, I know we can beat these guys!

Smg3: Forget that! Let's use our meme powers, we know Mario gets affected by them!

Desti: You haven't practiced in ages! Let me at them so I can tear that idiot apart!

Crystal: Stop fighting! The only way we can win is by working together, combining our strengths, then we can show them what we're made of!

Smg4: Crystal Splezter 2nd BookМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя