⇠Fatal Mistake⇢

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Jet gently opened his eyes, with an affectionate grin on his lips. The man observed the other sleeping shape next to him before sneaking out of bed and padding into the kitchen, where he grabbed a few goods from the fridge as well as a skillet and pan. Hours later, Jacob strolled into the kitchen, wiping the sleep from his eyes. "W-What are you doing getting up so early?" He yawned as he sat on the stool at the island.

"I wanted to surprise you with breakfast because you always cook for me. I wanted to repay the kindness." Jet replied by turning the eggs and shimming them onto two plates. Jet jumped down from the footstool and placed the plates in front of Jacob, then sat next to him.

Jacob didn't say anything but shook his head softly before beginning to eat. The pair then scrubbed the dishes. "Can we go exploring right now?" Jet inquired as he placed the dry plate on the counter.

Jacob went to speak, then shut his mouth quickly. "I guess so, but I don't want to go far. There are hunters out in the woods still." He replied.

Jet shrieked, bouncing from foot to foot as he ran into the bedroom to change, grabbed his backpack, and threw in anything he felt would be handy before heading out, chest puffed up and tail swishing behind him. "We aren't going far; we're just going to the waterfall and back," Jacob said.

"I know, but I have never been in a forest before. I want to make sure we have enough snacks and water. Plus, I promised Chole I would take pictures." The male replied, walking toward the door.

Jacob rolled his eyes as he followed the other and locked the door behind them. Jacob traveled a few steps behind Jet, watching the Neko inspect every tree and rock before crawling onto his hands and knees and beginning to bother the bugs on the path. "You're going to get stung in that way." With a gentle laugh, the human cautioned. Jet didn't appear to bother; he kept prodding the bugs for a few minutes before panting and leaping to his feet. Jacob caught up to him a few minutes later after observing a small herd of deer feeding. The Neko looked up at the human, who had his finger to his lips. The chubby male snapped a quick picture and leaned against Jacob's legs watching the animals.

They waited for the animals to pass before going down the trail, and Jacob resisted the impulse to chuckle as he watched Jet pursue squirrels like a dog. He noticed the other taking pictures before racing back to the human. Jacob took Jet to a massive waterfall ten minutes later; the loud sound pained Jet's ears as he inched closer to the little pond's edge, putting his finger into the water. "It's very cold." Jet trembled.

"Of course, it is, we're at the end of the cold months. The water won't warm up until late summer out here." Jacob informed him, sitting down on a rock.

Jet rummaged through his backpack for a few minutes pulling out bottled water and a few granola bars. Offering some to the human, Jacob shook his hand in front of him watching the other shrug and scarf them down. Jet's stomach growled softly; the male gently patted his stomach letting out a small huff.

"Did you think those would feed you?" Jacob laughed.

"You said we were only going be gone for a short while. All this walking is tiring." He huffed, glaring at the other.

"You're the one who wanted to explore, we could have stayed home and baked cookies and watched movies." The human countered.

Curling up next to Jacob on the couch eating cookies while being spooked by cheesy movies as the human put his arms around the other protectively sounded lovely. Jet smiled and shook his head, pushing his thoughts to the back of his mind. They could always do it tomorrow, but Jet wanted to go exploring, to experience the world after being confined in the city for so long. He also wanted to be the first to propose marriage to a human. The Neko has watched enough romantic films to understand how human marriage works. He had the ring and the words; all he needed was the scene.

A disturbance from the bushes drew Jet's attention, and he jerked his head in that direction, where the Neko let out a low growl before leaping from the rock he was sitting on and charging towards the bushes beside him. "Jet, wait!" Jacob yelled out, hurriedly grabbing the backpack and racing after the other male.

Jacob brushed back twigs and shrubs while his heart hammered against his chest. His breathing was hard as he leaped over fallen logs, but he managed to catch up to Jet in what seemed to be the area where they had seen the deer minutes before. The human walked down the small slope and into the lush grass, panting heavily. "Jet! "Jet, where are you?!?" Jacob called.

When the other male didn't answer, Jacob cursed under his breath as his hand reached into his pocket feeling it was empty. "The one time to forget your phone." He muttered, walking further into the tall grass until he came to a small opening, noticing the Neko. Across the way, in a large portion of trees, Jacob noticed something glittering in the sun. His eyes flicked from the trees back to Neko who was picking flowers, suddenly his legs were moving. His mouth opened but nothing, but air came out.

Then sudden pain radiated from his side, and as the world around him started darkening, his body fell forward. His blood rushed to his ears, eyes slowly glancing at Jet whose eyes were large with tears, Jacob could see his mouth moving but the words were muffled. Jacob hissed in pain; he tried to move his limbs, but they were frozen at his side, he opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out once more. The human noticed another pair of feet appearing next to him before he fell unconscious.

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