⇠Wedding Planner's Nightmare ⇢

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Jet swung his tail lightly behind him as he stared at the snow-covered front yard for a long while. It was difficult for him to realize that he had been abandoned by his previous owner about this time and was homeless until animal control found him and locked him in the little metal cage. He squeezes his eyes shut, claws his nails into the window seal, pushes himself off the bench, and hastily pulls out his phone. He kept scrolling till he came upon Chole's name.

The phone only rang once before the other person answered. "Do you miss your boyfriend already, or do you have to bother me?" Neko, the female, teased.

"I need your assistance with something; could you please come over?" Jet inquired, disregarding her remark.

"Of course, nothing is illegal, is it?" I promised Al that I would clean my paws." She inquired.

"I want to ask Jacob to marry me." Jet let out a sigh. The other shrieked loudly, forcing the man to recoil and withdraw the phone from his ear. Soon after the connection went dead.

It wasn't even an hour when a loud knock came from the door, and before Jet could open it, a female Neko jumped through, picking the other up and fiercely squeezing him. Alphonso followed her a few seconds later, "Sorry, she wouldn't stop talking in the car." He laughed softly as he closed the door behind him and placed his jacket and hat on the peg. "Do you have a plan?" He asked while Chloe carried him to the living room.

"N-Not really, all my information is based off of human movies." The chubbier male answered.

"You should make him dinner; humans appreciate it when their significant other does that." Chloe offered, finally letting go.

"I've never cooked before; I've watched Jacob and Emily prepare meals, but they don't trust me with knives." Jet responded by rubbing the back of his neck.

"I can assist you in creating a simple but romantic menu; why don't you wash your hands and come to the kitchen with me so we can get started?" Alphonso muttered as he nudged his head.

When Jet and Chloe entered the kitchen, the taller human already had a few items on the counter, as well as several dishes and plates. "So, we'll make my brother's favorite dish." You can ensure a yes from him with this." Alphonso indicated that he tapped the chopping board with his knife. Chloe quickly pulled her phone from her pocket, blasting music while Jet watched the human for a few seconds before he felt comfortable chopping some of the vegetables, afterward he slid the veggies into a large pan while Chloe drizzled them with oil.

The pan let out a loud sizzle, causing the chubbier male to squeak and duck his head behind Alphonso who chuckled lowly. Afterward, the pair started on the meat, Jet gently poked the sausage with the knife as he scrunched his nose up slightly. "Haven't you ever had sausage?" Chloe asked as Jet shook his head in response.

"We will change that; we can't have you eating nothing but sweets," Alphonso said, carefully chopping the flesh so the other guy could follow. As Jet took over and began cutting the sausage, the knife slipped and sliced his hand, screaming in pain as blood spilled from his palm, making a tiny pool at the foot of his feet.

"Shit! Here!" Alphonso shouted, quickly grabbing a towel, and wrapping Jet's hand.

As Jacob came through the door, tears stung the corner of his eyes and a combination of emotions rose in his chest. He watched the human's eyes widen as he dropped everything in his hands and hurried to Jet, the male could hear the human saying but everything was muted around him as tears flowed over his eyelids and streaked down his pale face.

"Y-Y-You're not supposed to be home yet." Jet hiccupped.

Jacob locked his gaze on the other for a long while, his brow furrowed slightly. "I don't care what you were planning, we need to get you to the hospital." He sighed and shook his head.

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