⇠Wedding Bell's Chime ⇢

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~Week Later~

Jet hoped nothing had changed in his life since then, but the story spread like wildfire, and part of him wasn't shocked or furious that it would become public in some way or another. Unfortunately, Jacob has been busy battling off the press as well as his coworkers at the office since the news broke. Fortunately, he had Emily on his side; he wished they had a few more days to enjoy the festivities, but Jet couldn't alter anything.

Jet's mind raced with the tasks that needed to be completed before the wedding. Chloe and Emily were assigned as bridesmaids; the guy didn't grasp their significance, but Jacob and Alphonso persuaded him that they were as vital as a best man. Jet had no idea how Jacob decided who was a decent enough guy, but the Neko had faith in the human.

Emily and Chloe were in charge of guarding him as Jacob and Alphonso battled off the press. The female human managed to soothe his anxiety with some cookies while Chloe diverted him with board games. When the tiny party arrived in the midst of the city, Chloe dragged him in every which direction, stating she had located the ideal thing for the wedding. Jet would watch her discreetly pay for it with Alphonso's card, and then both women wanted to go clothing shopping, to which Jet rolled his eyes but had no say in the end.

Ending him on a huge stool in front of a row of changing rooms, waiting for both ladies to locate the 'ideal' dress. The male didn't see how a piece of clothes could be perfect, so he just shrugged whenever they asked him what he wanted, which gained him a huff from one woman or a nasty humorous comment that made him grin on the inside. Chloe appeared ten minutes later in a modest blue ballroom gown with a sweetheart neckline, the blue fabric shimmering in the yellow lights, revealing Chole's brilliant green eyes.

Meanwhile, Emily discovered a much more complicated black dress dragging on the floor, with shimmering grey fabric behind it. Jet's face distorted into a puzzled expression as he studied the helper for an extended period of time. "Why do you want your gown to dangle on the floor?" Isn't that going to destroy it?" He inquired.

"It's the type of dress," Emily said simply as they both retreated into the dressing room to change, after which they departed their little rooms and brought their dresses to the checkout, grabbing a few snacks as they waited in line. Jet sank into the booth gingerly, avoiding the table that stabbed into his lower stomach, as the other two proceeded to order. They came back ten minutes later, Chloe slid a small tray toward him before sitting down across from him, while Emily followed suit. Blushing slightly, Jet slowly started eating as they started talking among themselves.

Jet sat quietly watching the countryside pass them by on the way back to the castle, while the girls were enthused over the party. After Emily parked, the two proceeded to drop off their gowns, while Jet wandered around the huge yard studying the line of seats that ran up to the altar, while the table he and Jacob were meant to sit at with the cake was to the left of the altar. The male's gut twisted into knots; he wasn't worried about marrying the human; he knew he wanted that moment he didn't know if Jacob would wake up.

He was more concerned about the wedding's aftermath; there were a few people who weren't thrilled about a human marrying a Neko. They attempted to talk the human out of it by warning him that Jet would become wild and murder him, but he just shot them down and walked on. Jet was skeptical when Jacob told him that everything would be OK the next day. He had a hunch that something more would pile on to make this one of the worst days of their life.

But Jet had to trust the human, he knew what he was doing.


Jet looked in the mirror, his tux concealing his huge stomach effectively, but his thighs squeezed together, scraping against one other as he moved. "What's wrong, Hun?" his tail swished wildly about him, his face wrinkled in distress. Emily spoke in hushed tones.

"But what if he says no..." Jet muttered; his ears flat against his head.

The female giggled quietly, placing one hand on each side of his shoulder. "With everything you two have been through, I doubt it." She responded with a kind grin.

The man picked at his nails as the other dusted him and picked out lint. Chole came through the curtain, staring at him for a long minute before moving her head toward the curtain, Emily cocked an eyebrow then glanced down at Jet before nodding and gently leaving the little room. "You look as tense as a tick. "What's the matter?" Chloe inquired.

"I'm afraid he'll come to regret it..." Jet admitted.

Chloe remained silent for a long time, beginning with the male Neko's lips clenched in a narrow line. "Do you honestly think that? Or are you allowing the news to enter your mind?" She responded.

He opened his mouth to reply but soon closed it, knowing she was correct. What mattered was that they loved each other, and Jet knew Jacob would defend him from whatever the humans or anybody else attempted to throw at them, but what if Jet couldn't protect Jacob?

"What if he gets hurt again because of this?" He questioned.

"Love is about taking chances, and if there's one thing I've learned from your guys' relationship, it's that you two genuinely care about each other, and Jacob adores you. Trust that he loves you enough to set everything aside for you so that you may be happy and never have to be on the streets again. I won't lie, you'll have ups and downs, but that's part of being in love. You'll always find your way back to each other no matter how often you rage at one other." Chloe stated.

Jet smirked gently as he wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes. "Thank you..." He muttered as he drew her into a hug.

"I'd do anything for my best friend, Jet." The female replied by hugging the other. "You ready now?" She quizzed as he nodded in response.

Chloe extended her arm and watched as the man cautiously wrapped his arm around hers. The female whispered into the little earpiece in her ear, and the curtain was drawn, and music began to play as she leads Jet down the long aisle. When they arrived at the altar, she handed him over to Jacob, who smiled and kissed his cheek.

"You look amazing." He whispered.

Before beginning to talk, the preacher glanced at his book and then at the couple. As Jet gazed at the human, everything appeared to blur; the entire world seemed to lose sound as he watched the human's mouth move.

"Do you Jet take Jacob to be your lawful wedded husband?" The pastor asked, snapping the Neko from his train of thought.

"I do..." He whispered.

"Then I pronounce you as spouses, and you may kiss the bride." The preacher grinned as he snapped the book shut and watched them kiss.

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