⇠Deaths at Your Doorstep⇢

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Jet stared at the bed in front of him, Jacob was hooked up to, too many wires for his liking. The Neko's tail gently thumped against the plastic chair, as his hands shook. The images of blood flashed in his head once more, causing him to whimper. Biting the inside of his cheek, Jet quickly shook the images from his head as he slowly stood, his stomach growling loudly. "You should eat, he wouldn't want you to starve yourself," Emily said, appearing in the doorway.

"I'm not hungry," Jet muttered back.

The apprentice sighed and entered the room hesitantly. "I know you're scared, but you need to take care of yourself," she said again, setting the change of clothing next to Jet.

"I know..." The other trailed off, as his stomach growled again.

Emily stared at him for a moment, "How about I got get you something from the cafeteria?" She asked.

Jet nodded, picked the clothing from the chair, and brought them to his nose, inhaling deeply. Jet's ears pressed against his head as a slight smile came on his face as the scent of whiskey and pine overwhelmed his nose. Jacob's fragrance always grounded him; he'd never confess it to the human, but when he wasn't there, Jet would sniff his shirts as soon as they came out of the dryer. Or he'd steal a few breaths of the human's perfume. The black box in Neko's pocket felt like it was burning a hole in his jeans as terror rose in his chest once more. Was he ever going to be able to communicate with Jacob again? Would he ever get the chance to ask him to spend the rest of his life with Jet? Tears pricked the corners of his eyes, as he buried his head into the shirt.

Emily came back to the room a little while later, holding a small blue lunch tray, and setting it down on the chair. "I know Jacob normally orders for you, so I hope I got it right." She said with a soft smile.

Jet glanced down at the tray, nodding his head, he set the clothes on his lap. He picked up the tray and took a few bites of the burger, his stomach groaned happily as he took a few larger bites. "Thank you." He muttered.

Emily chuckled and rubbed his back, "Of course dear, Jacob would kill me if anything happened to you." She joked.

"The doctors don't know if he's ever going to wake up..." Jet commented.

Emily made a pained noise in the back of her throat. "Of course, he'll wake up sweetie, he can't abandon you. Not after everything you've guys been through." She reassured him, putting a hand on his shoulder.

Jet finished his food silently, letting Emily do the talking while she took notes on her data pad. "Alphonso and Chloe called and said they'll be flying in tonight." She announced.

"They don't have to; I know they wanted to spend time together." The other answered.

"They want to Jet; Chloe is worried about you." The woman stated.


Chloe glanced up at the older male, her tail swishing nervously behind her while the female's grip tightened around the male's hand. "D-D-Do you think he's going to be okay?" She stammered.

Alphonso glanced down at the smaller female, letting out a small chuckle. "I'm sure Jacob will be fine. He's more resilient than people think he is." He answered.

Chloe shook her head, "I meant Jet, if anything happens to Jacob then he'll have to go back to the pet shop." The female stated.

"You think I would let that happen?" Alphonso questioned, arching an eyebrow.

"I don't think you realize how much Nekos go through after the loss of their humans," Chloe growled, pulling her hand from the others, and then folded her arms over her chest.

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