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Today was the day we moved to L.A. You might be wondering, we? Me and my big bro Will are heading to L.A. I heard its sunny so in my carry on suitcase i have some, high waisted shorts, crop yops, grapic and minecraft tees, and shorts. I loving to record with Will. I even have my own channel called, dino_dani. I was in the kitchen when Will ran up to me knocking me off the counter and screaming in my ear, "BLOODY HELL." Well i guess he found out i went into his room and ruined his house on MineCraft. I started laughing hysterically while he just looked at me with a death stare. He mummbled to himself. I didnt quite hear what he said. Soon he calmed and went to grab most all his things. We are leaving the big stuff here, like beds, desk, drawer, etc etc... Our mum drived us to the airport and gave us a lecture about L.A. at last we finally get here, i give my mum a long kiss on the cheek, Will does the same. "Now boardinh flight 23 to Los Angeles" the lady over the intercome says. I look back at my mum, eyes filled with tears, and waved one last time.


My Guys/Gals i hope you guys like this so far. Plz Vote, Comment, Share, Or whatever. I will updated wvery mostly because i dont have a life. LOL see every body later and Stay Derpy

My big brother, kiingtongWhere stories live. Discover now