Secert Talents

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~Important A/N

*Dani's POV*

So i havent told will about me taking Gymnastics, Cheer, and Dance. So when i tried to leave the cube house (FYI she went back to the cube house to hang to with Will and the Guys.) Will asked where i was going with a duffel bag and my Pastel blue pennyb board. I panicked and said to the Diner. The diner, Really Dani. Anyways i started to skate to my gym.

*Will's POV*
After i asked her where she was going she told me the diner. I didnt beleive her. After she left i told the guys we are following her. She was headed for a gym. A gym?
She walked inside we waited a few minutes before heading in, so she wouldnt susept anything. When we headed inside we saw a huge gym with Stuff.

*Dani's POV*

I walked in and headed towards the locker roomand changed into a leotard. I headed Towards the beam thrn floor until I saw the guys i kept doing my gymnastics stuff. I then went to go change into my cheer uniform. Coach say we have to practice i our uniforms to get used to them. I walked out and out of the corner of my eye i saw everyone with jaws dropped. I smirked and started practice with everyone else.

~Time Skip~

After practice i change into nike pro shorts, and a comfortable crop top.
I skated to my dance studio with them following. I get in sign in. I walk in where my dance instructor was waiting. She said to stretch while stretching i saw the guys in a booth above where they have parents wait. (Dance moms)
I started my Solo that i learned yesterday. I nailed it. My routine had a combination of acrobatics and ballet. After i finished i walked out all sweaty. I felt arms pull me back away from my pennyboard. I looked around and saw a man i didn't know. I tried to scream but thankfully Grape got there just in time. I hugged him and skated away before he could say anything. I ended up at the cube house. I opened to door and set my pennyboard down and went to the kitchen for water.

A short time later i heard the door open. I turned around to find everyone staring at me while jaws dropped.


No answer.

I turned back around to the fridge. "Why didnt you tell us?" Because i knew you would freak out.

I turned back around to see them with hurt facial expressions.
I just went up to will and kissed his cheek tell him i need to go back to practice.

*Will's POV*(after Dani leaving)

Did any one know. I asked

Everyone shook their head

She is very talented. Grape and Rusher said.

But why would she his this.

*Dani's POV*

I walked back into the cube house with everyone looking at me "I just need to change into my cheer uniform. I walked upstairs to change and di my hair. But i didnt change into my cheer uniform, i changed into a short flowy dress. I look out the room to make sure know one was in the living otmr hallways. The coast was clear. I started making my way toward the door until my brother asked where i was going dressed so fancy. And agian i told him practice.
He asked if everyo.e could come. I nervously told him sure. We walked into a theatre filled with people. I waljed backstage to rehearse before showtime.

It was finally time

I took center stage look at the spot where everyone from cube was. Every look from them was confused. I smiled as i grabbed my guitar as strummed the music to Perfect 2 (look up really good in my opinion.) I started to sing and got lost in the music. I got back to reality. When the song was over. I looked into the crowd smiled and waved goodbye.

Will walked up to me and hugged me so tight i couldnt breath.

I heard a voice behind him say, "Will let go of the poor thing, her face is turning red.

After will let go of me i smiled at RUSHER!?!?!

When did he get here.


The next morning I couldn't find my contacts. "WILLLLLLLL"

"What happened"he said rushing in my room.

I cant find my contacts, i said innocently.

Just were your glasses.

Noooo. I screamed run out of my room falling down the stairs cuz i couldnt see. Graser and H helped he up.

Me being blind i moved my hands everywhere to find some furniture.

"See what happens when you dont where your glasses." said will

Haha very funny, just give them to me.

He handed me them and i looked around to everyone in the kitchen. I started to watching T.V.
"H, Pokemon is own. I yelled to H being excited.

"Heck yea."

We landed on top of me and i groaned in pain.

I walked out side showing bee and dul some stunts, first basics carwheel, handtand, frontflip, backflip, and splits.

*Sean/Grape's POV*

I looked out the window to see Dani teaching, well attempting to, bee and dul basics.

Dani is just so beautiful.

Wait, what!??!!


Hey there tacos this is my chapter Next chapter is going to be where they all play TRUTH OR DARE. Dun Dunn Dun. Plz comment what Dares and Truths for them to do/answer.

~Stay Derpy

My big brother, kiingtongWhere stories live. Discover now