Run Away

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I woke up to a loud bang in the kitchen. Thank goodness it was all a dream. I walked down to the kitchen and there was Will with a pan on the floor.
I laughed at him and he looked at me with pleasure in his eyes. I ran into my room and set their, yet again. I grabbed the extra nutella that was in my room. I love Nutella, you can say I was a lot like bee.
I walked out, and down the stairs and hugged will. He hugged me back and kissed my forehead.
I leaned into his chest and listened to him song. I feel asleep. But as soon as he put me down in my bed. I haven't been to dance cheer or gymnastics in a while. I looked at the calender. My big show is today. I rushed out of bed and put on my outfit for the dance. It was black legging with a white T-Shirt and a red flannel on my hips. I told Will I was going out. He nodded but I knew he was going to follow me. So i shrugged at him and left before they left for competition.

Will's POV

I followed Dani to her Dance school. She got on a bus. She looked at me and told me to come here. I pulled out my phone and dialed parker and Sean. They came right away and got on the bus with Dani. We stopped to get freshened up. We headed to Led vegas we were stay for a week.

§Time Skip§

I was almost time to go home, all we had to do was go to the competition.

After the competition, Dani won 1st in her division. We were all proud of her, that's when Sean went up to her and kissed her. I got furious, but then calmed down.

It was the next day, The first was today. I woke up danielle.

§Dani's POV§

I was already awake, I wanted to scare will I left my room and went to the bathroom, will came to 'wake' me up and searched around from me I went back to my room and stomped really loud so will knew I was here. I heard footsteps. I his in the closet. Will had the most freaked out face ever. I jumped out the closet and scared the shit out of him. He screamed like a little girl. I was laughing so hard I was crying. I got ready, I put on some normal skinny jeans and a tank top that said, Food before Dudes, and some black vans.
I left for school and as soon as I walked into the classroom I heard someone say, I was a whore. Great I sat down and after class everyone made fun of me because I'm British. I got food thrown on me, and thrown into the dumpster. I knocked out and woke up in the nurses office. I had bruises everywhere. I remember Sean is staying with us because he got thrown out of his apartment, and if he or Will see me like this they will start questioning. I put foudation on that was in my bag, over the bruises. I walked home and Sean answered the door with a water fun in his hands pointed and me.


He drenched me with water, which took off all the foundation. He looked at my bruises. I ran inside and shut the door.
After a few week of school i got home and I started to write,

Dear Will/Willyshakes

I have been bullied at school for the last cpuple of weeks and the gym. Nobody exepts me and I'm fed up with it. I have made a list of why I have to go but it's to long to write before you come look for me. I am going to run away don't try to look for me. You Will have no luck. I sorry I have to do this.
Love, Danisaur


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