Winston's Revange

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I went to the kitchen to eat something in like a week. I saw Sean pacing back and forth. I closed the fridge after seeing that there was nutella. I grabbed a spoon and slammed the drawer shut. I ran up to the top step when someone grabbed my wrist. I turned around to see grape. He slammed his lips on mine, but he did it gently. I kissed back, and a little while later I heard the door open, and ran to my room slammed a locked the door. Sean, I think, was knocking on my door. I ignored it and say in the corner if my room eating a big jar of nutella. I ignored everyone for the rest of the day until I fell asleep in my corner. I felt hands carry me to somewhere. The hand remained around me until I opened my eyes to see Winston, my stepfather, was carring me back somewhere. The police never arrested him and now he back. He made a foolish desion to take me to a bus stop. People can easily find me there. He left without saying a word. I started to get dizzy, I tried to grab my self because I almost fell. My arm stung. It was bleeding. There was a line in my skin. He handcuffed me to the bench I have to wait till someone finds me.

*Sean's POV*
I walked home after I left Will's house, he asked me to come and get my hoodie I left there. After i retrieved my hoodue, Me and Will went for a walk talking about Sports and Dani but I was mostly talking about Dani.
We walked not that far when we heard a girl weeping. She sounded close so we followed the noise till we came to a bus stop we couldn't see the girls face but she was handcuffed and bleeding. We tried to get the handcuffs off but it was no use. Will ran to get some cutters and came back we broke her free and went to the nearby hospital. They said they had a room waiting for her. Weird. They took her and I asked how did they have a room for her already?
They said a guy called and said a girl named Danielle Winnie will be coming here shortly.

*Dani's POV

I was to tooken to the hospital by who knows and they had a room waiting


He called in a room for me and knew I was going to be alive. He wants me alive. Why?

The nurse came in and i screamed as she forgot to put numbing stuff on my arm before putting stitches. Beginner She yelled for a doctor and he fixed some of the thing she did wrong. My arm still hurt like hell. Just than Will came in, so did Sean. I looked at Will he looked at me and looked at me arm. Then to the X-Rays. He cut me right down to the bone.

He asked if I knew who did this.

I nodded and said, Winston.


§Stay Derpy§


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