Kipo~Borrow and Burrow~ Part 1

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Quick foot steps could be heard running along the ground.It was broad daylight,and the streets were baren of any life,and it had been like that for quite some time.

A small borrower found the empty abandoned streets to be bliss.

They had read in small scrolls that human beings once dominated the top,but we're slowly erased and forced elsewhere.

It's a good thing too,according to the books they had read,they were huge.Basically the borrowers but bigger and less survival instinct apparently,their ancestors would have lived in their homes and make dangerous decisions all the time.

Not much has changed since,but it was still interesting.

" Alright Y/n,according to your map you should be....home? " The borrower said aloud to themself,lowering their map and seeing nothing but a pile of junk.

" Did this wrong? " Y/n questioned themself a bit,confused at why they stopped at a big trash pile.Their memory wasn't the same ever since they woke up holding onto a log as water splashed their face.Something had happened,it nearly gave them a heart attack,their was thunder all around them,a noise so loud it nearly made their ears bleed.

The small hand made bag they carried was all that was available and near them.

They must have been exploring when it happened.

It didn't matter what happened tho,they just needed to remember how to get home.The map was confusing yet the borrower could somewhat decipher what parts of the map ment,however,as of right now they were at a loss.

" I'm never going to get home," Y/n sulked staring at the map with sadness,they decided it would be best to rest up a bit,they eyed one of the abandoned cars and climbed inside.The seats were old but comfy enough for them to rest,and their were plenty of overgrown vegetation inside to hide in.

Suddenly,the borrower heard music and...singing?

" Up on top...on my own "
" A human girl,so far from home.."

The voice was feminine,and it sounded like it was very close to Y/n.They wanted to investigate,the singing seemed to belong to a human,at least that's what they heard the voice sing.

Y/n had never seen one before,and they wanted to see just how big they were.

The singing reminded the borrower of their goal,and it gave them a little bit of hope. Unfortunately,the song didn't last long because a scream and a loud crash could be heard.It happened so fast when the human jumped in the car to hide from a bird mute.

It made Y/n freeze.

The human was rather odd,Y/n didn't read anything about humans with pinkish skin,none the less a human is a human and her size didn't help.

The two instantly made eye contact.
The human noticed how the borrower looked like they wanted to scream.

She slowly put her hand to her lips in a shushing motion,as the mutant bird seems to look around before flying off.

A sigh of relief escaped the humans lips as they closed their eyes for a brief moment before opening them to see the borrower was trying and failing to escape the now awkward frightful situation.

" Hey,hey wait!I'm not going to- " The human started,reaching out and grasping the small humans body gently.

Big mistake.

The borrower let out one of the most loudest screams Kipo had heard from something small.

Suprisingly,it made the girl cover her ears.

" I-im not going to hurt you!Please calm down I- "

" Oh my god,this is the end!Mom was right,I was going to die before her! " The borrower blurted out in a panicked state.

" I'm sorry!I'll put you down!Here! " The human says placing the borrower down gently on the car seat,it got quite fast and extremely awkward.

Y/n was tense and didn't know how to react after that mini panic attack.

It wasn't too long before the silence was broken,the human bold to break through whatever tension there was.

" Uh,hi.Sorry for picking you names Kipo," The human introduced.

Y/n's eyes shifted to glance at the human named Kipo,they didn't know how to respond without freezing but they figured they should at least cooperate.

" Y/...n "

" Y/n?Is that your name?That's a cool name!So um Y/n...I have one small..heh...question for you..."

Y/n found the courage to move their head and glance up at the odd human.

" Why are you so small? "

(End of Part 1)

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