Anne Boonchuy~Scenario 1~

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Anne didn't expect a tiny person to be pulled from her bag when she first arrived in Amphibia,you were terrified not only by her but the unfamiliar place you both were in

Having no other options,you explain why you were in her bag and why you were small,you were a borrower

She was livid at first,but soon softened herself because she realized you were more frightened than she was and you both suprisingly shared the same birthday

She said your company was better than no company(You felt insulted a bit),and the two of you became survival buddies until Sprig found you both

Sprig mistook you as Anne's " child " since you were basically a small human.Both of you had a good laugh later on

Even though she hardly knew you,upon living with the Plantars,she'd always have you sleep with her

She now definitely considers you a friend,she calls you all sorts of things like-
    * Little Best Friend/Bud
    * Tiny dude
    * Y/n (obviously)
    * Bitty Y/n
    * Borrow bud,etc

She vents to you sometimes and is quite shocked that you bother to listen

You ride in her hair most of the time when she's moving around,you'd never admit you've sunk in her hair multiple times and nearly got stuck

She's very touchy with you,mainly when she is nervous or protecting you

She'll find herself rubbing/petting your head with her finger,she finds it relaxing and helps her calm down

You live for her humor,she always finds a way to put a smile on your face

She wants to introduce you to Sasha and Marcy,she hopes that when you all get back home,you all can hang out together often

She also vows that as soon as they get back to warth,She'll help make you and your parents borrower life a bit easier.She says her parents would totally be fine with it

You gave her a HARD side eye at that last sentence

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