Garnet~Tiny Gems~Part 2

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Y/n = Your name,Leader of Tiny Rubies
Red = Second to Emerge,spunky and
                 Sometimes a hot head
Pink-ish = Third to Emerge,bad speech, kind
                     and understanding

This is in YOUR pov


" How long have we been walking?It feels like forever! " Red complained as we moved through the dense area.

" We're so small we probably haven't even made it a mile," She continued to complain,and I don't blame her,I would complain too if I weren't so focused in where we were going.

" Alright,clearly our tiny steps are getting us no where," I started,haunting the movement.

" We clearly need a better compromise," Red added to my statement.


" What was that!? " Red said getting scared and clinging to Pink-ish who hugged her.

I stood next to the two,ready to get shattered for them,the noise grew louder until out of nowhere a large corrupted looking gem appeared.

" Holy shards," Pink-ish said as the three of us slowly back up.

" RAAAA! "

The beast roared jumping at us,we quickly dodged the best we could,I didn't let go of Red and she never let go of Pink-ish as we ran for our lives.There was no time to stay and wait till it got up,if we wanted to live we'd have to go and fast.

" Don't look back and keep moving! " I yell pushing through the obstacles.

But we hit a dead end,more specifically a log.We didn't have time to climb or go around it,the corrupt gem had found us and had us cornered,baring it's teeth.

" I didn't even get to live that long," Red said looking petrified.

" Noo," Pink-ish said in fear.

It was a hard sight to watch,I couldn't let them shatter on their first day.

" Rubies come to me!As long as we're still here we will fight side by side,whatever the outcome we do it,TOGETHER! " I shout as the two embrace me.

A light consumed us,I felt weird,we felt weird.

" Woah,am i-we are...somewhat bigger! " I/we laugh(You guys fused are the size of a house cat).

It was cut short by the corrupt gem taking the opportunity to leap at us,but we moved quicker.

" Ha!Not today corrupt gem! " We say jumping on its back and pulling out double daggers." Lights out! "

We raised our daggers high before stabbing them into the corrupt gem,causing it to freeze and poof.It's gem fell to the ground quickly,at least the problem at hand was taken care of.

" W-woah,nice daggers! " We compliment ourself,admiring the new height we have.

" We can move faster than we were when we were unfused!We can stay like this!I feel whole and bigger!We're safe! " We spoke hugging ourselves before running through the terrain with much more ease,by now the sun was setting and it would be dark soon.We got a little nervous,but that soon left when we saw something in the distance.

" What is that? " We say.

It looked like a platform,round and a shiny light blue.Cautiously,we stepped on it,nothing really happened so we decided to sit down and think.

" This terrain is too green,I wish we'd have been somewhere more open and pretty! " We say to ourselves,it wasn't not a moment later that the platform glowed and a burst of bright light appeared around us,sending us somewhere completely different.

We were on an open feild,with swords and weird plants growing all around.

" Woah...what happened here," We questioned stepping off the platform to look around,was there a war?

Everything was practically overrun with these red plant things.

We were jolted out of our thoughts hearing the platform activating, in fear and instinct we hid in the plants.Peeking through openings to see who had come through and what were they doing here.There was only one gem,looking closely she looked like a fusion just like us.We stayed hidden,not knowing what there intentions were and their size made us nervous,we could feel ourselves splitting at the sight of this gem.They were looking around too much.

We can't be found-
We're defective!
We could be shattered so easily-

In an instant we unfused,our self harming thoughts beating us and making us feel unsafe again.

" Why is that gem here!? " Red strained to whisper.

" me don't know," Pink-ish replied as Red became frustrated and panicked at the thought of being discovered.

" Stay calm you two,we have to- "

" Stay calm!Stay CALM! " Red practically was heating up trying not to freak out,fire appearing at her feet,it quickly caught onto some plants and began to burn them.

" AAAA!You clod! " I say pulling Red and Pink-ish away from the burning area,we tripped over some plants and began tumbling down a small hill.


We landed ontop of each other with thud,I was unfortunately at the bottom.I looked back at where the fire was,only to see that it was gone.I was confused.

I tried to get Red and Pink-ish off of me,but they seemed frozen,I stopped squirming realizing a shadow was casted over us.

The fusion from before calmly stood in front of us,staring down at us before fixing their visors slightly.The calm tone was unnerving and made me wonder if they knew we were here the whole time.

" You should really control yourself "

(End of Part 2)

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