Garnet~Tiny Gems~ Part 1

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Y/n = Your the lead tiny ruby but you start off as " First "
Red = One of the ruby's that form with you but they start off as " Second "
Pink-ish = One of the ruby's that form with you but they start off as " Third "

(You'll understand why they're called that later also this is in YOUR POV)


For a while, the feeling of being incomplete had been around for quite some time and it was all that was ever present.I felt like I wasn't ready and that I could hold out for a little longer, but every second I feel incomplete the more I wonder if I am complete already.That I'm just waisting time.

I had a feeling that everything was waiting for me and I was missing out on it, I feel as though I was only prolonging my timed existence.

I decided that today would be the day,I found it quite funny I knew the word and yet I'd never seen or had known what it is.

I started shaking, it wasn't really shaking but it felt like I was trying to burst out of something,it was hard and I felt like I was stuck.

I try again.
Determined to break from this incomplete nothingness.
I want to be complete.

I try and try again, trying some more until I finally see a light and without hesitation I reach despite not seeing myself.

A burst of light blinded me before I let out a gasp,taking in this sudden atmosphere.

Why was everything so...big?
Everything was practically towering over me.

I've always felt I would turn out small but not this small, did I...screw up the process?

I feel like I messed up, and not only did I mess up for myself, I feel like I messed up for others aswell even though I didn't see anyone.But I felt as though there was some presences around me, it wasn't bad at all, in fact,I felt as though I should wait for it.

I decided to sit.Even though this world was big, I feel like I had all the time I needed to wait for whatever presences I'm looking for.

~An Hour Later~

Time seemed to be moving really slow and and I was marveled at it only being an hour after my emerging.

The presences had grown strong and it felt like at any moment they would emerge and come to me.


I turned my head,seeing two small rubies exit different holes.

One from the left and the other from the right,I seemed to have emerged from the middle.

" Finally!Bought time you emerged,I almost thought we had to wait another long nothingness! " The red ruby said adjusting their eyes and looking around confused.

" Big!Wrong time! " The more pink ruby said looking around fearfully.

" Wait,did you emerge at the wrong time Ruby the first! " The red ruby said looking at me.I was confused,Ruby the first?It must have been because I emerged first.

" Hello?Ruby are you deaf? "

" I believe I may have miscalculated the incomplete process," I spoke up trying to sound informative,I felt like I should be more responsible for them even though I barely knew them,I had just realized my emerging had triggered them to emerge aswell.

The red ruby seemed scared," You mean we came out at the wrong time!We're supposed to be bigger! " They said in panic.

" Calm down ruby second!First felt like it was time!Time is confusing," The pink ruby said,her speech was very wonky,I started to feel bad.

" I'm sorry,I thought I was ready," I apologize to the two.

" Ruby First is forgiven,Third is glad to emerge," Pink ruby said calling themself third.

" So what do we do now?And where are we? " Second Ruby questioned.

I started to think,I didn't really know where we were or what to do from here, but I did know that we needed to stay together and hopefully,we could sort this out another way.

" I... don't know where we are but I do know that our emerging together was meant for us to be together.Maybe later we can figure out what we will do but for now let's get our bearings," I speak up confidently as the two slowly ease up.

" Ruby first is right!We should get our bearings first! " Ruby second said.

" Mmhm! " Ruby Third agreed.

I thought about what we called each other,we could do better.

" Let's give ourselves different names,I don't like ' Ruby First ',it doesn't suit me in the long run.From here on out,call me Y/n," I exclaimed with a proud smile.

" Fair point,I shall be called Red,because I'm redder than you both," Second ruby said matching the confident energy I was radiating.

Third ruby giggles," Me Pink-ish,because I pinker than Y/n and Red! "

I found their names to be cute," Alright Red and Pink-ish!We rubies have to stick together,it's us against this place!For starters,let's climb that rock!It's the easiest and highest thing we can climb! " I order as the two nod and race towards the rock.

" Hey wait for me! " I yell chasing them as we raced each other to the top.

" Woah... " Was all I could say,this place was more covered than I thought,these green plants seemed to populate everything.

" Should we...? "
" Start moving in one direction? "
" Definitely "

" Come on rubies,let's go this way and hope for the best!Hold my hand Red,and Red you hold Pink-ish's hand!We're not going to get separated! "

Red did as told,we began to move through this big green terrain.

Hoping to run into something good,for now,we had a long walk ahead of us.

(End of Part 1)

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