David ~ Little Miss Courage ~

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Thank you for requesting this Toonobsessed945


" The dangers of this world can't harm you when I'm here! "

" But you're little,and the world is so big "

" I know,that's what gives me the advantage "

Y/n was always the most positive and brave when it came to fears,creatures,and things that lurked in the dark.Being a human no bigger than one's finger she had to learn to be brave and fearless.She refused to let fear consume her life,but even then she could get a little reckless.

David on the other hand,who was a lot bigger than her, found it hard not to be scared of things.

Just thinking of the disastrous outcomes and fears made him shiver.

It was quite a surprise the two got along better than anyone else.

Y/n instantly clinged to him and swore she would be his protector,many laughed it off as a silly joke,but in time they realized just how much Y/n could really do despite her size.She was smart and thought logically,resulting in distant troubles to be easy to solve.

David adored her,but he often wished she wouldn't be reckless.

He would never tell her that,he just couldn't compared to telling Frida or Hilda they are reckless.


Today, David hasn't been himself.Y/n had gone missing and he couldn't find her.

She usually was there to wake him up,and today she did not which to him was a gut wrenching sign she could possibly have went out in her own or be potentially in danger.

" Y/n come on,where are you," David said looking everywhere in his room,thinking you were just messing with him.He checked everywhere and there was no trace or sign that you had been there.He feared for you,he really did like you and he never wanted anything to happen to you.

" David! " A voice called to him,it was distant and unrecognizable at first due to how far away it sounded.He gave a sign of relief thinking it was Y/n,but the footsteps coming up to the door said otherwise earning a grumble from him.

" Have you guys seen Y/n? " Was the first thing David asked Freda and Hilda as they came into his room.

" We thought she was with you,she normally is," Freda answers as Hilda nods in agreement.

" Well now she's not here,and I don't know where she went!What if something bad happened to her? " David questioned still frantically searching,even in places he had already searched.

" Calm down David I'm sure she just went out for a bit," Hilda tried to reassure him but that only made it worse.

" Hey look,a sticky note with hand writing on it,and Y/n put her name on it," Freda says holding a yellow sticky note up,to which David ushered her to read.

" Alright,alright.Let's see...it says ' Hey David,you're probably panicking right now upon realizing I'm not in the room,or anywhere for that matter.I've gone towards the trollberg walls on the far side of town to pick some lovely flowers for you!They're one of a kind,just like you!I'll be back soon!Stay Courageous!With much love Y/n,' " Freda finished as Hilda gave David a look of aw.

" She really seems to be fond of you David," Hilda spoke.

" On the far side of town," David says a little frustrated as he held his head.

He knew for someone of Y/n's size the walk would be dangerous and flat put hazardous.Not to mention the distance,she's probably still walking on the road,unless she woke up extra early,which was even more nerve wracking.

" I'm going to go find her," David says,putting on his shoes and quickly heading out of the house,leaving Freda and Hilda in his room alone.

" He's really worried about her,and she hasn't even been chased by anything yet "

" We don't know that "

-With David-

He raced down the many streets towards the far side of the town.

Upon arriving at the wall he searched every possible area for her,he even started looking for any uncommon flowers that might have gotten their attention.

" Y/n!Come on,you can't just leave without me," David starts talking out loud looking around for his tiny friend.

He went quiet upon hearing smalling grunts as if someone were pulling at something.He quickly followed the noise until he appeared in front of a bush growing a few inches away from the wall.Upon moving some of the vegetation,he saw Y/n pulling at a beautiful orange flower.He was fascinated that she went out of her way to get it,it was so beautiful.

Until the plant came to life and tried to eat her.

David gave a startled shout as he quickly pulled the plant from the ground,waisting no time as he pulled Y/n from the plants Jaws.

" Hey David! " Y/n smiled sweetly despite being covered in plant saliva.

David sighed,giving a brief disgusted look at the saliva before shaking it away and giving Y/n a look she knew all too well with him.

" Oh come on David,I was fine," Y/n started.

" You could have woken me up "

" But you looked so peaceful sleeping! "

" I would have happily woken up for you "

" Which is why I didn't wake you up,you needed sleep!I even took the courtesy to write a note! " Y/n explained as the two continued to bicker.

David pulled a tissue from his pocket and gently wiped the saliva off of her.

" Thanks,sorry for worrying you! " Y/n says as David brings her close to his chest for a small hug.

" I really do care for you "

" I care for you too David,more than you think "

The two stay in that small hug for quite a bit,it wasn't much of a big deal today but the littlest things for them were everything.

" Sooo,do you like my gift? "

" It's.....something "

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