Adora ~ Lightning Princess~

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They may take a while but I won't forget


" The Kingdom of Lightning is the last place we need to visit,we need Princess Y/n on our side," Glimmer explains to Bow and Adora.

" It's been a while since I last seen her!She was so small last time we met,and we were kids back then! " Bow comments with a grin at memories.

" She's still gonna be small when we see her Bow,her whole Kingdom is not exactly as big as ours or the other Kingdoms," Glimmer responded to his comments.

" But they're still strong! "

" I don't mean to interrupt but who's Princess Y/n?I haven't heard of any other princesses beside the,well,big ones," Adora spoke up confused.

" The thing is she IS a big princess,not litterly,but the horde probably didn't mention them because they thought of the Kingdom as less of a threat," Glimmer explained,making Adora's curiosity about the Kingdom rise.Surely any Kingdom big or small would be of interest to the horde,whether in a good way or a bad way.

The three had packed some essentials before heading towards Lightwave,the name of the Kingdom,and their destination.

" I've noticed you guys have been saying the word 'small' a lot.Is her Kingdom really not that big? " Adora questioned noticing how Bow and Glimmer glanced at each other before smiling.

" Oh no,her kingdom has one of the biggest populations!You'll see what we'retalking about when we get there! " Glimmer exclaimed as they left Brightmoon.

- TimeSkip Later-

" Woah you weren't kidding,the kingdom is small," Adora says looking down at the tiny people casually going about their day as if the three weren't standing above the village.

" So how do we get through here,I don't want to step on any of them, " Adora questioned finding it difficult and awkward to try and get around the tiny population.

" They actually made a passage way for us straight to her palace," Bow explain as he and Glimmer lead Adora through a bigger passage way.

Despite the village being so small the castle was enormous,it made Adora wonder if the people built it themselves.And if so how long?

" Not to sound rude to Princess Y/n or anything,but if she's the same size as the village people then isn't her magic a bit weak? " The blonde questioned trying not to sound rude.

Suddenly lightning crashed down all around the group,Adora was startled but Bow and Glimmer seemed mildly phased by the explosive flashes and bangs.

" WEAK!?HOW DARE YO-Wait!No way!Glimmer,Bow is that you!? " A voice rang from above as a small human appeares,there were wings on her leg ankles and heels,she was quick to jump down to greet them.

" Y/N! " The two said excitedly scooping their friend up into a hug.

" You're squishing me!You haven't changed since we were small Ugh! " Y/n scowled as she pushed herself out of the hug.

" You're one to talk,looks like you've only grown an inch or two," Glimmer teased.

" Ha ha,very funny,and uh who is this? " Y/n questioned eyeing Adora with a unreadable look.

" Oh ya,Y/n meet Adora,Adora meet Y/n.Adora can turn into she ra," Bow introduced.

" Is She ra tall? "

" Absolutely "

" I don't like her. "

" Aw come on Y/n you did that when you first met us,your mom had to tell you to be nice growing up! " Glimmer says as Y/n huffed.

" I am nice!See? " Y/n spoke as her wings on her leg ankles and heel flapped rapidly until she had flow onto Adora's shoulder.
She hugs Adora's neck causing the blonde to freeze,making herself perfectly still as to not harm or accidently knock her off.

" Ya,sure!Adora looks like she's going to pass out," Glimmer commented.

" I can't help that I'm so fragile," Y/n smirked whispering something into Adora's ear.

" I'll zap you to a crisp next time you call me weak "

After hearing those words Adora watched with a shocked face as Y/n innocently zapped a rock and caused it to explode.

" Oops "

" Uh ya,so about the princess alliance "

" OH my gosh,I'm included in something!?!? " Y/n says dramatically as Glimmer gives her a ' are you serious' look.

" Of course!We would love to have you on the team!And I'm sure Adora does too,right? " Bow questioned with a smile,unbeknownst to him and Glimmer that Y/n was giving Adora the nastiest/meanest look.

" O-Oh ya,absolutely!We'd love to have you! " Adora says cursing herself under her breath for stuttering,she doesn't know why she's so scared of a tiny,lightning inducing person.

" It's settled then!Let's go back to Brightmoon,there's so much  we have to catch up on!And Y/n an Adora can get to know each other better, " Bow excitedly states.

" This is going to be fun! " Y/n says eyeing Adora with a devious look.

' Send help ,' Adora thought.

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