Chapter 53

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Claw's POV

Two days later

Monday 5:00 AM

I step into the yard, and I can sense that Gia isn't here. It's too early, she doesn't normally leave the house this early.

I open the door; I am certain that she's not here. I walk into the bedroom and there's an envelope on the bed with 'Him' written on it.

For some reason I'm nervous, I don't have a good feeling about this. My hand shakes as I take up the envelope and open it.


From that first day five years ago, I've planned our life together never once thinking of an alternate life.

You were the foundation for all my life dreams because there's never a scenario where you didn't play an active role.

I hung on to your every word, trusting you to lead me and keep your promise of a better life.

I was young and simply a fool in love, I didn't get the full understanding of what I was getting myself into because all I saw was you.

I saw the changes but the memories of who you were made me hold on longer than I should've.

I appreciate your honesty and I can't hate you for it. I just need to remind myself that we made our son in love.

It is that same love that is giving me the strength to leave. As his parents we must do what is best for him and the person you are becoming isn't good for him.

I don't regret our time together and I most definitely don't regret serving my purpose of giving you a son.

I need some time to find myself, to see who I am outside of who I am with you. I will reach out to you once I'm settled so that we can arrange time for you and your son.

A divorce? I guess time will tell.

I love you and I hope you can understand where I'm coming from but most of all I hope you hang on to that piece of Brian that lives inside you. He's the better half and I love him with all of my soul.


I read the letter several times unable to fully comprehend what I'm reading.

My tears fall on the page, and I angrily wipe them away. Gia left me, I'm struggling to believe that she has left me.

I came home to apologise to her for my hurtful statement. Gia caught me at my lowest Saturday night, my mind was a mess and instead of being my peace, she came at me full force making everything worse.

I wasn't out killing anybody; I know she doesn't like when I have to do that and I've been staying away from it.

I've been working so hard to keep the peace and change the direction of the business, but this isn't an overnight operation. It's not easy to change peoples' mindsets knowing that this has been their reality for over three decades.

I was so upset that Gia went behind my back to cook drugs even though I told her no. Let me be the only one involved in this mess, it pains my heart to involve her in the cake business, so I don't feel good asking her to cook for me.

I couldn't face Gia or even address her when I learnt that she went to my uncle for the drugs. I have always known that my uncle wanted her to pick up where her mother left off. I told him no and she played right into his hands.

From Then Till Now: A Jamaican Love Story Book 5Where stories live. Discover now