Part 6(November)

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(Let's pretend they have been touring for a long time)
Brittany's pov
I woke up and felt something wet, I went to the bathroom and checked my under wear it had blood all over. I had my period, I forgot that it was that time of month. I asked mom if she could bring me the pads out the closet and got in the shower. After, I got out the shower I put on an white dress with cute brown sandals, and I curled my hair and put on an cute bow. "Someone's all dressed up today" mom said. " Yeah, today is Justin's press confrence so that's why I am all dressed up, because I will be there to". I said, " Make sure you bring a lot of pads so tha-" mom was cut off by me leaving and slamming the but, I just brought the whole entire bag because I knew that was what she was going to tell me. I went downstairs to go eat breakfast, Mom came out and went downstairs also. "Good Morning Beautiful, how was your sleep?" Justin asked. "It was amazing because I saw your face in my dreams". I said back all lovey dovey like. " So, are you and Brittany like dating or what?" Scooter asked. " "Yeah, you guys seem like your an couple, because you guys are together everywhere we go" Chaz said. "Well duh Chaz she is on tour with me because I invited her" Justin said back. "Actually, Brittany can w-w-we li-ke go on an date after we sing tonight?" Justin asked while stuttering. "Ah, YESS" I said back excitedly. "Well, then looks like we are dating, Just kidding, but maybe you'll never ever know"Justin said. I Just sighed and blushed a little.
3 Hours later (already did press conference)
"Hey, Sydney (random name for scooters wife) have you seen scooter Justin and I are going to the park to give fans tickets and I need to tell him?" I asked, "Why don't you and Justin just go I will tell him". "K thanks Sydney" I said back. Before we went to the park I put on an new pad so that it would not leak while we are at the park. Kenny drove us to the park and fans were just crowding everywhere banging on the doors, I got scared at first but then I calmed down as soon as we got to the park. There were fans that were calm and some that were really excitedly happy to get tickets from Justin. This fan gave Justin this paper that said: 'We love you sooo much we hope you have an amazing day' love sarah. I am guessing that it was the girls paper. We were done giving out the tickets. "So do you want to just sit here and relax for a few?"I asked, "Sure" Justin said back. We sat there in silence for an few minutes but, then we eventually talked about what we should do tonight after the concert. "We should just watch an movie only me and you" Justin suggested, I agreed with it because I thought it was an good idea.
Justin's pov
We walked back to the car and drove back to the hotel to get ready for the concert. Me and Brittany were in the back so that no one would see what we were doing. I just then felt like I wanted to kiss her lips so I texted her: 'have you kissed anyone....yet :-P' she replied back: 'no never but would like to one day' (end of conversation) I thought she looked cute today with white on.
(Back at the hotel)
"So kenny how do you get a girl to kiss you when you are at a concert?" I asked. "Wait are you trying to get Brittany to kiss you?"
"Well maybe, I just really like her and she will be going back to California soon"
"Well Mr. JB you are stuck on that because you like her".
"But how do I get her like to me in a lovable way back?"
"Just hold her hands when you guys are singing 'As long as you love me ' because that would be a nice thing to do"
"That is actually a good idea, I think I am going to do that".
Brittany's pov
While I was getting my hair done
Justin texted me: 'hey brittany do want to watch my movie never say never with me tonight?' 'yes I would love that'.
"Why are you all smiley giggly?" mom asked.
"I am just smiling because Justin wants to go on a date with me tonight after the concert"
"Ooo that's sounds amazing, where are you guy's gonna do?"
"We are just gonna watch his movie 'Never say never' "
"Awww that is so cute"
Me and Justin sung baby, never say never while Jaden rapped, and also many more.
"Everybody give a round of applause for Brittany Jones". Everbody screamed really loud.
"You are so beautiful Brittany, when I look at you you give me chills and sparks, I love you so so much and I hope that you and I could do this again" Justin out loud and everyone started 'awwing' and I thought was really cute. "Yo beliebers who love me until we are starving?" Justin asked, they all screamed. Justin and I started singing as long as you love me. He grabbed my hand in the middle the song and brought me towards him by my waist and kissed me on the lips, I was freaking out in so many diffrent characters. I felt sparks when we were kissing. Kenny then broke us apart and we started singing again, we did not realize that the music had cut off when we were basically making out.
(End of concert, back at hotel)
Justin's pov
"Wow Justin you really got it with her" chaz said, "Yep I am smooth with girls" I said as I was getting my outfit ready to go on my date with Brittany.
My stylist fixed my hair and me up and I got ready to go, but first I texted Brittany to make sure she was ready.
Brittany's pov
"Woah Brittany, who kissed who?" mom asked.
"It was just a kiss mom you don't need to get over protective" I said as I was putting on my makeup.
"I know but, that was not just a kiss it was practically Justin Bieber making out with my daughter. But it was cute, I li-"
"Done" I said as I cut her off.
"You look amazing, I think that he is going to like it".
I got a texted from Justin: 'are you ready babe' I replied: 'yess'.
We heard an knock on the door. It was Justin, I grabbed my purse headed out the door with him. "Are you ready?" Justin asked. I nodded my head and we drove to the theater that Justin rented for only us to be in it.
In theater
Before the movie started I crept around twitter and saw that everyone was saying that me and Justin should be together.
'I am not famous enough to date him. @believer_forever'(a random username) because she thought I was FAMOUS because we kissed at the concert we performed at. Justin then replied on twitter saying: 'we can date just not right now but maybe later'. I looked at Justin and he made me blush with I don't know if Justin was playing that whole 'Fake yawn around me trick' but, that is what it felt like he was doing. The movie started and Justin went to go get drinks, since we were the only ones in the theater everything was free. I started crying on the part where Justin and his mom did not have a lot of money to afford anything.
Back at hotel
"So how was it, did you guys kiss?" mom asked. "Well we didn't we just watched the movie the whole time.

Sorry guys if this book is boring I promise it will get bettter

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