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"Jimin? Jimin!" The bubblegum scented omega flinched at her friends shouting, looking around. He again remembered that they were at a club and there's loud musik.

The moment he locked eyes with the alpha everything disappeared from his eyes but the alpha. The musik, the surroundings, the colors. Everything came back after his friend shouted for him for the third time.

Jimin didn't know what happened to him the moment he smelt that scent. It was still in his nose a bit. The scent drove him crazy. It made him wet.

Jimin thought about just smelling the strong scent he could cum.

But the fact that he's smelled it before didn't left his mind. And the alphas face, was just too familiar to jimin. Those doe eyes looking into his soul were too familiar for his likings. And then, the mole, the mole under his thin lips. Those dark eyes jimins wants to get lost it.

Maybe the eye contact was only for a few seconds, but in these few seconds jimin studied his whole damn face. He wished he could study at college like this.

"Are you okay? You stopped just like that and didn't answer my callings." Jennie said worried. She put the back of her hand on the younger omegas forhead to look at his temperature but saying that he looked sick, would be a lie. The omega was glowing. It was like he had been sick the whole time and just got healthy again. "You're hot but you don't look sick. You're glowing, minnie." She said with a smile.

"I know I'm hot, mommy. And I'm glowing because I've never been feeling this healthy." He smiled and Jennie was sure he couldn't see anything with his eyes squeezed like that, but the smile looked so beautiful.

"Aish, come on let's go. I miss my daddy." She bit her lip, already imagining the youngers disgusted face.

"Gross." He said, but it was heard as a whisper because of the loud musik in the background with a gaging face and sound.



The both walked inside the vip section after the security recognized the cherry blossoms scented omega and let them inside.

Jennie already walked to her husband while jimin decided to look around a bit, reither at the room than at the men sitting there.

He could smell green tea mixed with cherry blossoms the most in the room and thought that the alpha already scented his omega. But there were many other scenes which made him gag.

Jimin looked at the surroundings. The area was dark with some red light here and there and there was a pole stage right in the middle, infront of all the men and two girls in lingerie were dancing on it.

Suddenly, the whiskey scent was back and jimin was fast enough to take it in. His eyes rolled back at the strong scene as his legs were ready to give up. She awaited the feeling of falling but it never came.

Instead, strong arms wrapped around her petite waist and the strong scent came even more near. She stumbled back a little at the pressure and awaited the hard chest against her back.

"Is everything okay?" The husky voice ringed in her ears. His voice was the only sound she hard, again everything disappearing from her sigh and only the alphas handsome face was there.

Jimin doesn't only think that he fell in love at first sight, but his omega also got addicted at the first smell. Blame on jimins needy personality, blame it on his crave for a pure blood Alpha, blame it on his kink of being manhandled so easly. He doesn't care, all he knows and thinks about is now the whiskey scented alpha.

All jimin wanted to do was wrap his arms around the board shoulders, pull him closer and nuzzle his face in his neck, right where his scent gland stands. Jimin knew it was weird to want it from someone you don't know but he wanted the stranger to scent him. Blame his needy personality.

The alpha helped him stand straight still looking into the emogas eyes, waited for an answer he still hasn't received on his question. Jimin thought that the pure blood Alpha was trying to look through his soul by the deep stare. It wasn't a weird stare or any awkward glare but a adoring one. One jimin has never received. One which showed that the alpha felt the same towards him.

"Y-yes. Everything's alright." The omega smiled at him and his best friend slapped her forehead at her bestie. The omega has never behaved this shy with some stranger. He always thought that there's no need in being nice since it's a stranger so he always answered with the sassiest answers. 'Stranger is danger' was his rule which he broke just now. Maybe this alpha was different?

"Jimin-ah, this is Jungkook. First place gangster leader." Jennie introduced the alpha to the omega who looked at her with a small nod. Jimin was sure there would be a big smile on his face if he didn't had a shut aura. But jimin saw in his eyes how much he appreciated which brought a smile on his beautiful face. "And, Jungkook. This is Jimin, my best friend who I met at the college."

Jimins smile widened more as he bowed down showing how much he appreciated meeting the alpha. "Nice to meet you, Jungkook." Jungkook walked past jimin to sit on his place a bit far from Taehyung after showing jimin an appreciated expression. But the smile still missed.

Jimin looked around again, his best friend sitting in her husband's lap but they were just talking casually.

What a relief they aren't making out.

One of the girls making out with a man and the other dancing on the pole sexily trying to impress the leader. Her bras were thrown in the corner of the room and her breast was full on view. Jimin hated the job. Didn't those wolfs know their worth for doing something like that? Like, most of the times they get raped which wasn't an alphas fault when they get seduced like that. Jimin always wondered but it was those ones choice. They chose their jobs.

Jimin stood there seeing there were no seats empty for him. The area was full of alphas and betas and jimin and Jennie were the only omegas in the room. Jennie was lucky she was already mated and scented but jimin felt like puking under all the horny and needy stares on him. Those alphas looked at him like theiy were trying to undress him with their eyes.

"Come sit on your throne, princess." Turning towards the voice jimin made the most obvious disgusted face he's ever made. There sat an alpha, knees wide open while he tapped his tight gesturing to the omega to sit there. He looked like a Mexican guy with dark brown hair and a dark shade skin and a gold tooth.

"Would reither go to hell." He mumbled but loud enough for everyone to hear. Seeing the ugly smirk vanishing off his face made jimin roll his eyes while he turned to look everywhere but the excuse of an alpha. But jimin did not unsee the death glare jungkook giving the guy. If a glare could kill, the man would have been lifeless lying there by now.

"Up." He gestured to the man. "Be out of here before I lose my temper and fill your head with bullets." The voice jungkook used for the other alpha made a shiver run down trough jimin spine and through his whole body. The voice was obviously different from the voice he used while talking to jimin.

The other alpha stood up, walking out the area with an eye roll. But not before taking a good glance at the omegas ass. Looking at the direction of the alpha he found him looking at him with the same stare he looked at him before. The stare jimin was sure would have been a smiling face. The alpha tilted his head at the direction of the now empty seat where a worker spraid some liquid on it to remove the scent of the alpha.

Walking to the seat beside the whiskey scented alpha and sat down on it, throwing one leg over the other while stared at the smoking alpha.

He looked hot, like her dream alpha.

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