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The alpha is interested in him? Does that also mean liking? But isn't it too soon for the other to like him? They just met. Omegas are the ones who get attracted fastly. They get addicted to dominant scents. A pure bread alphas scent can even bring them into heat sometimes, but jimin had too much control over his wolf to let that happen.

The whiskey scented alpha traveled his brown orbs around the omegas beautifully shaped face before stopping at the smoky eyes. He could see how much curiousness the beautiful eyes held, yet he was no where near asking him questions. Maybe he doesn't know him, but he can already tell that it's the first time for him to act like that. He did notice how brave he was behaving with one of his Mexican 'friends'.

"What do you wanna know about me? Ask me and I'll give all the answers." Jimin smiled at him, he was acting as brave as he could at the moment. He thought that the alpha was scary, which he of course was, but he didn't scare the omega with his actual actions. Everything the other did made him think about how much hot he was.

Jungkook scoffed as he let his head fall, his bun infront of the omegas face and he give all his strength to hold into the fence and not start to play with his hair. The alpha had long hair which made him look even more sexy. Jimin was a sucker for hot men with long hair, and having a pure blood Alpha was a cherry on top. Jimin knew everything about pure bloods. They were definitely stronger than a regular one. They where taller and had a strong build body. And not to forget that pure bloods have a long line. Their every pup, no matter omega or alpha, was a pure blood. And that of course needs a pure blood omega parent too. But jimin has no problem with that, he was a pure blood omega himself. He too was stronger than a regular omega. With a bit practice, he could bring an alpha down.

But jimins favorite part of a pure blood Alpha is that they are much bigger than regular alphas. And can even without being in rut knot an omega. Jimin wanted that. He's never been knotted and he truly needed to be. But of course thrust comes first. It permanently happens that an omega gets pregnant by an alpha in one night and the alpha leaves. Jimin doesn't want that, he doesn't want to be impregnated and left alone. He wants to love and be loved. Can this alpha be the one? He can't know of course, it was too soon, very very soon for that.

The alpha didn't look up, instead he leaned more into his hand so know he was head level to the omegas chest. Oh, how much the omega wants to wrap his arm around his shoulders and nuzzle into his whiskey scent.

"How old are you?" He asked, lifting his head a bit to look into those beautiful smoky eyes. Their faces were too near for jimins liking. He had to control his wolf and not jump the other alpha. But he was damn handsome that jimin had too clear his throat and look away so he can give a proper answer, and a brave one at this state.

"Why? Are you afraid I'm a minor and you can get arrested if you do anything dirty with me?" Oh, how much proud he was of that answer. Jimin expected a frown on the alphas face and abit of fear in his doe eyes but there was nothing. The alpha looked at him with a bored expression as if having the most boring conversation.

"Who said that anyone can arrest me? I can take a whole police station down just by a flip of my finger. And do not expect much. You're not so much you think of yourself." He stated with the same boring expression. He didn't want the omega to feel so much of himself and was ready to put him in his place.


Just as jimin was to say it loud the alpha stepped back cousing him to lose his balance and fall back.

That is it for me...God forgive my dirty personality.

He thought he'd die, that he'll fall into the probably deeper sea than his whole hight. He of course didn't want to die, there was still so much he had planned for his future. First become a model, fall in love, getting knotted and carrying a pup. Hell, he hasn't even had a proper sex. And he doesn't even know how it is like to make love.

Just before his plump ass slipped from the fence, a strong arm wrapped around his waist and he was pulled closer till he fall into his feet on the ground. Jimin was fast to pull his dress down as he noticed it going up.

He looked up at the alpha who had now a death glare thrown at him. Jimin gulped at the intense stare he gave him. It was like he was trying to dig holes into his face. It was almost the same stare he gave the Mexican guy.

The bubblegum scented omega was about to open his mouth to say something but nothing came out. The both held such a intense stare that it left jimin speechless. He wanted to say so much, to be brave again and show the alpha that he isn't like one of those bitches who would present their necks for him to mark them. But nothing came out. And jimin regretted it the moment the alpha left, leaving him alone outside there and allowing the cold breeze to run over his shivering body.

Jimin wrapped his arms around himself at the coldness and looked around. There were many alphas smoking outside and some omegas trying to impress them.

This place wasn't like the other clubs jimin has visited. It weren't the alphas who tried to take an omega but omegas who tried to impress them. There were many alphas with respect and jimin was grateful for that. But of course there are assholes everywhere.

Jimin saw the other Mexican guy looking him up and down while licking his lips. Rolling his eyes he give him a death glare not expecting him to give any reactions which he didn't, instead he walked up to him with long steps which made the omega walk back, trying to avoid the disgusting scent of the alpha.

Jimin was the kind of omega who hated most of alphas scent. He was okay with pure blood Alpha scents but couldn't take the regular alphas scents, he always found their scents disgusting and a drug to his nose. Jungkooks scent has been the one which has impressed him till now.

The alpha had a smirk on his face which jimin wanted to punch right there and then. But being at such a luxury place, he didn't want to be the first to start an argument.

"Aww, your alpha left you alone?" He asked with a faked pout. Spreading his pheromones, jimin hold into his nose to avoid puking at the scent. He hated when someone did that with their disgusting scent.

"Control your disgusting pheromones, asshole." After the said, jimin walked past him and into the club walking up to the vip section where his best friend was. And he wasn't pleased with the scene he saw.

Jennie sat beside her husband, legs throwing over his while the both where inches away from each other. The both where nuzzling their noses together to scent each other as much as possible. And with the giggles of his best friend, he already knew what the alpha was talking about.

He walked up to the empty couch and sat down, throwing one leg over the other. Throwing his head back he groaned deeply but silently, felling the boredom hit him. Without noticing it, he was looking for the whiskey scented alpha who finally showed up in the distance with a cigarette in between his fingers.

Jimin caught himself looking at the alpha up and down as if he hadn't done that the whole time and tried to reach his scent as much as he could. He was already drawn in the scent but was ready to take more of it. He knew the wanting was bad but he wanted the stranger alpha to scent him.

The alpha walked up to him and sat down on the couch. Gaze locking with jimin hand. The omega looked down and cursed under his breath as soon as he saw the ring in his ring finger.

Now he got why the alpha distanced himself after the question about his age. The alpha must have seen his ring and asked about his age since he thought that he was too young for engaging. Which the omega was, having a good life he never thought that he'll be forced into marriage. Good thing he was allowed to choose when he's ready to mate.

With multiple curses sliding out his mouth he quickly reached for his finger and slipped the ring out of it and gripped it tightly in his other hand.

But something crossed jimins mind. The alpha was a gentleman. After seeing the engagement ring in the omegas finger, he distanced himself, trying to respect a 'taken' omega.

Presumptuous { Jikook Abo }Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora