Chapter Thirty Nine

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What if....Lucas and Max lived in a zombie apocalypse and fought side by side for a long time? But Lucas ends up leaving due to his infection? (Light Angst)


"To the GuardRunners!"

"To the GuardRunners!"

All of the crowd of the civilians cheer while they clank their glasses together, celebrating yet another victory of the Guard Runners protecting the city, killing another hoard of infected to make this city become a safer place.

Max stands at the bar, her still being in her black and blue body suit with her combat boots, her long straight ginger hair in a high ponytail, her face holding her normal regular stoic expression on it, her slowly taking a slow sip of her beer while she watches the crowd celebrate their victory. She has been on the GuardRunners team since she was seventeen, her now being twenty along with the others, Suzie and Dustin helping them on where to go from the radios.

Max likes the fight, she likes the adrenaline that courses through her veins when she kills off the infected. Of course it does require skill to kill off the infected ones because they are fast and they run as well, so they cannot be underestimated. Everyone first thought they would be to young to fight and they would end up killing themselves by joining but they proved everyone wrong, and they have become great fighters.

Especially Max and Lucas.

They have become the very best, especially Lucas. They fight well together. They first met three years ago when Lucas got into the city on his own, him trying to look for his family. Everyone was impressed how he made it from such a long distance on his own and survived and how his strategic moves got him inside of the walls. Unfortunately since the long journey of his and him making it to the city exhausted got him infected but he still fights very well.

Lucas himself has killed off many of infected and special infected then a entire GuardRunner unit. He holds unique strength, some of it being because of his infection and just because of his strong IQ and physical advantage.

It just seems like him and Max immediately clicked. Max has always been closed off but with Lucas they immediately started working together with making the city a better place, fixing radio towers to better communication through radios, climbing up towers and buildings to better frequency, cleaning up the city of infected and just the big amount of clutter, even fixing cars to try and make the city as normal as it can be in a zombie filled world.

They have connected greatly.

"Hey Max."

Max turns around, seeing Eleven going to sit down next to her, her holding a beer in her hand with the same uniform Max has on. "Hey El."

"We're almost there." Eleven smiles. "Soon this city will be rid of infected and it can be normal. normal as it can be."

"And to the ones infected but have not turned yet?" Max questions.

Eleven sighs a little bit. "We'll find a cure, doctors are working diligently, especially for him." Eleven mentions. "He's the best GuardRunner they won't let him die off."

"It's not that simple." Max shakes her head.

Eleven looks around, seeing Mike and Will Dustin and Suzie laughing and talking with people circled all around them. "Where is he?"

Max shakes her head, taking a long swig of his beer. "You know crowds aren't his thing, he came from outside of the walls."

"That's the thing Max I don't know much about him." Eleven looks at her. "But yes he seems like a loner."

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