Chapter Forty Three

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What if....Max and the others spent the remaining time trying to find a cure to the virus while keeping Lucas confined? (Angst) (Continues from chapter forty one)


"Jesus this guy is heavy." Steve mentions, Lucas being in the middle of a thick blanket that Max folded at the ends in a knot for each person to hold on each end, his wrists being tied together in front of him and his ankles tied together, him still being unconscious from the hard blow Nancy gave to him.

"Stop complaining Steve." Jonathan says with a eye roll, him holding the other end, all of them walking together.

It has been some days, them trying to take less rest times to go on and get to the city because they know that Lucas doesn't have much time, they know that he only has three doses left and that is only a few weeks worth at the most. Every time he wakes up they have to give him another blow and from there bandage it while he is unconscious, because even though he may be weak from the blows he is still strategic and strong, he knows how to fight when weak.

Unlike all of them Lucas is a traveler, he has travelled from settlement to settlement before he went to the city. He has travelled hundreds of miles with surviving so he definitely has endurance, and with traveling alone they know he has ran into threats, with not only zombies humans included, him being the best out of all of the GuardRunners didn't come out of no where.

"Keep an eye on him." Max says. "When his arm begins to shake he needs another dose."

"Okay." Steve says.

"How frequently does he—"

Lucas suddenly goes to kick his legs with all of his might, his feet kicking Jonathan's back making him topple over. Lucas immediately grabs Steve's neck after bringing his arms up, Steve dropping the blanket while he begins to choke, Lucas successfully kicking away Eleven and Nancy and Mike.

"Lucas!" Max says, Lucas head butting Steve with the back of his head making him fall over.

Lucas falls down to the ground from the restraints still being around his limbs. "Max..." he grits out angrily, his breaths heavier. "Set me loose...set me"

"I can't do that." Max shakes her head, her inching closer and closer to him.

Lucas looks up at her while he breaths, him just shaking his head slowly. "God I believed you!" He yells. "I'm a goddamn idiot."

Max shakes her head while she looks at him. "I really am sorry."

"Get off!" Lucas yells, Max going to quickly get on top of him. "Get off get off get off—"

Max punches him hard, his face turning to the side as he passes out. Max breaths out hard, her ripping off a piece of her shirt and going to tie it around his mouth. "You guys good?"

"Yeah." Steve grunts a little while standing up and holding his head, Eleven going over to him while observing his head.

"God that guy has some strength." Jonathan says while popping his back.

"Put a hole in the blanket, for him to breathe." Max says while standing up. "But wrap him in it that way it won't be so easy for him to get out."

"Okay." Mike nods, them going to put the blanket out on the ground before putting a medium sized hole in it, putting Lucas in the middle of it before rolling the blanket around him and picking it up after they are done.

"I'm sorry about this guys, I know we have never done a trip like this." Max says. "When we get back I'll take full responsibility, but....he can't just...he can't." She shakes her head. "No one deserves to die from this."

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