chapter 10

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Investigation in progress

Beta Marcus arrived at the college early, skipping his lecture and duties to continue his investigation into the rumors and gossip surrounding Delta Liam and the Silver Moon Pack. He felt a sense of urgency and determination to uncover the truth, and was willing to do anything.

As Beta Marcus began his investigation, he found that Delta Liam's account of the incident was accurate. The other student had indeed been bullying a smaller student and making derogatory comments about their pack, which had provoked Delta Liam into fighting. However, what stood out to Marcus was the speed at which the information had spread throughout the college and the supernatural community. It was almost as if someone had deliberately planted the rumors to tarnish Delta Liam's reputation and that of the Silver Moon Pack. In contrast ,What he noticed was exactly same what Kiera deduction has told him earlier.

Marcus and his team conducted interviews with witnesses, reviewed surveillance footage, and gathered other evidence to piece together what had happened. After a thorough investigation, they discovered that the Eclipse Pack and a few other smaller packs had been spreading rumors and gossip about the incident. They had deliberately manipulated the situation to make Delta Liam look like a dangerous and aggressive wolf.

Marcus knew that this was a serious matter and that it could have far-reaching consequences for the Silver Moon Pack. He reported his findings to Alpha Kiera and presented his evidence. Kiera listened carefully and nodded thoughtfully as Marcus spoke.

"We can't let this go unpunished," she said, her voice filled with determination. "We need to confront the Eclipse Pack and the other packs involved and let them know that their actions have consequences."

Marcus nodded in agreement. "I'll gather a team and we'll head over to the Eclipse Pack's territory. We'll confront them and demand an explanation for their actions."

Kiera gave him a small smile. "Goodwork, Beta Marcus. I trust that you and your team will handle this matter with tact and diplomacy. We don't want to escalate the situation any further as we don't have any supportive evidence just give them warning to behave."

Marcus nodded and set about assembling his team. They would need to be careful and strategic in their approach, as the Eclipse Pack was known for being aggressive and unpredictable. But Marcus was confident that they could handle the situation and bring about a resolution that would protect the Silver Moon Pack's reputation and ensure that justice was served.

As they set out on their mission, Marcus couldn't help but wonder who was behind the rumors and gossip. He had a feeling that it went deeper than just the Eclipse Pack and that there was someone else pulling the strings. But for now, he focused on the task at hand and remained determined to uncover the truth and bring those responsible to justice.

Scene changes to them arriving at Eclipse pack territory.

When Marcus and his team arrived at the Eclipse Pack's territory, they were met by the Eclipse Pack's delta, who greeted them with a smug grin.

"We've been expecting you, Beta Marcus," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "To what do we owe the pleasure of this visit?"

Marcus remained calm and professional. "We're here to discuss the rumors and gossip that your pack and a few others have been spreading about the Silver Moon Pack and Delta Liam."

The Eclipse Pack's delta raised an eyebrow. "And what rumors would those be?"

Marcus produced a folder of evidence and handed it over to the delta. "We have evidence that your pack and others have been spreading false information about Delta Liam and the incident that occurred at the college."

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