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The star that he managed to get and embedded into his core inside his chest felt amazing. He felt powerful and extraordinary. It felt spectacular to have such a powerful item in his possession. Eclipse used the star's energy and power to switch up their appearance to look more like how they wanted to.

That damn Sun was the only other thing that they knew, so why not based themselves on that damn idiot. Orange and black casing was now their new appearance, and to add a bit of personal touch; Eclipse had extra rays and a set of arms to fit their aesthetic as well as one eye being blue and the other yellow. Eclipse hummed in content and stretched out their new body. Perfect. Now it was time to pay Sun and Moon a visit.


Eclipse spun around to follow the bang, rays twitching and moving to detect where the sound had come from. Eclipse grimaced and growled. Stupid paranoia. He would not succumb to paranoia, disregarding the noise, and walked away. However, he couldn't get very far as four arms grabbed onto his, pinning him to the ground, face first. Eclipse growled and tried to kick to get to a standing position, but to no avail.

Grunting and trying to pry away at the strong grip, Eclipse pried hard, managing to get clawed at whoever was holding them down. While it the midst of trying to pry free, Eclipse heard a familiar sound of crackling electricity, and since the back of their head was exposed....

"No. No. No. No!" Eclipse yelled.

What seemed like another hand came crashing down on the back of his head, and a thousand volts of electricity coursed through their body, and they emitted a terrifying scream of pain and agony. Tears instantly feel from their face, and their body twitched and convulsed as more electricity crackled through his body. 

It took a bit, but his vision was started to fill with dark spots. Eclipse's movements slowed down, and he finally collapsed into total darkness.

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