Chapter 2

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Eclipse stirred awake, groaning as he was still in pain and sat up, sitting crossed legged. He checked his internal clock, and it read ten at night, making Eclipse huffed and his rays drooped in disappointment. Eclipse rested their arms on top of their knees and hunched forward. The silence was almost eerie, but it wasn't too bad, Eclipse went through worse. Eclipse waited for... what exactly? They didn't know, and they weren't sure. They decided to go through their backup logs and play around with them. However, on top of that, Solar Flare was also looking at the logs.

"Too bored to stay in silence without your precious entertainment?" Solar Flare scoffed.

Eclipse rolled his eyes. "And you would?" Eclipse asked in a snarky tone.

Solar Flare huffed. "Tch... at least I have something to do within my systems to at least fuel my boredom." Solar Flare grimaced from within.

Eclipse rolled his eyes again and huffed. Eclipse's rays then twitched and turned off his backup logs, hearing footsteps come bear his way. Showtime, he presume. Fine, let's get this started. See what these idiots have in store for him.

The door slammed opened and the lights turned on, being dimmed for whatever reason. Maybe for more of an eerie feeling. Three animatronics came into the room; Sun, Harvest, and Bloodmoon. Sun shut the door as the twins hoisted Eclipse up and pinned them to the wall. They let it happen and glared at Sun, who walked towards him with a metal rod and dragged a large metal pot.

No words were exchanged as Sun removed the lid that revealed burning hot coals and dipped the rod into said coals, letting it heat up. Eclipse glanced at the rod and then at Sun, who remained silent until he looked at the twins and said in a very dull tone.

"Rip part of his shirt off." Sun said.

Before Eclipse could question anything, the twins ripped half of his shirt off, exposing his midsection, pinning his legs with one of theirs. Fine. This was fine. Eclipse kept a straight face as Sun pulled the rod out of the pot, the bright yellow and orange glow brightening the room. Sun walked up to Eclipse, Harvest, making room so Sun could press the now burning rod up to Eclipse's left side. Eclipse clenched his teeth, biting back a scream. The sound of sizzling filled the barrier of silence.

Eclipse's casing reshaped itself, so it was pushed in and had scorched marks. Sun, then, slowly dragged the rod across Eclipse's midsection, pressing very hard against their chassis until he got to his right side. Burn and scorch marks we planted on their casing. Eclipse managed to bite back every single scream that dared to come out but failed to bit back grunts and groans. The rod was then pulled away and back into the pot, getting it back to a burning state. The smell of burnt metal filled everyone's smell sensors.

Bloodmoon and Harvest were smirking like devils in Hell. Eclipse let out a huff and lifted their head, watching as Sun stared at the rod; waiting patiently for the rod to heat back up. Once it did, Sun turned towards the twins and told them to rip part of Eclipse's pants from the thigh down. The twins did, throwing away the fabric, and with that, Sun grabbed the rod and pressed it up, and the inner part of Eclipse's thigh.

He hissed, arching his back as much as he could with the little movement he had. Suddenly, Bloodmoon pressed his leg up against Eclipse's right, making him press up against the rod, so now that both of his thighs were being burned.

"Fuck..." Eclipse hissed under their breath, feeling Harvest doing the same thing.

Smoke radiated from the rod and Eclipse's casing with Eclipse biting back the urge to scream. Sun slid the rod out from between Eclipse's thighs and stared at Eclipse's face. The rod was still burning, and the twins knew what Sun was thinking. The twins giggled as Sun stepped back and shoved Eclipse towards Sun, only to get smack to the ground by the rod. Eclipse fell to the ground,  the left side of his face becoming a light grey.

Sun growled and nodded towards the twins. "You two... you know what to do." Sun said lowly, stepping back as the twins grabbed the pot and pushed it, dumping all the hot coals all over Eclipse's body. Eclipse took in shaky gasps, growling at the pain and body shaking. Sun walked back closer and started whacking at Eclipse with the rod. The burned casing mix with a hard, now cool, metal rod coming down on him made this absolutely worse. But Eclipse was stubborn. They will never give the three the satisfaction of hearing them yell in pain.

The twins cheer in glee, telling Sun to bring the rod down harder on Eclipse's body. They wanted to hear him scream. To hear him beg and plead. Eclipse would not give in. Sun panted and huffed, looking at his now bent weapon. Sun sighed and tossed the weapon at Eclipse's hip.

"Go get the water." Sun said.

"I will!" Bloodmoon cheered and raced out of the room, quickly coming back with a huge bucket of ice cold water. Harvest walked up to help their twin and poured it on Eclipse.

The mix with hot and cold made Eclipse's body go into shock, their systems locking up and twitched here and there. Bloodmoon and Harvest cackled while Sun stared and gave a small smirk. Sun crouched down and said in a monotonous tone.

"I'll let Moon and Lunar know of your current situation. Hopefully, they'll have better ideas. Have fun." Sun smirk got bigger and more toothy and stood up. He and the twins walked out of the room, leaving Eclipse lying on the ground in a dimly lit room.

Eclipse finally let out a loud gasp and forced their body to move and scurried away from the scene and into a corner, coughing as they did. "Fuck... that... that the best they could do?" Eclipse laughed.

"I highly doubt that's the only thing that they could do to you." Solar Flare snarled.

Eclipse laughed again. "I bet. They can do whatever they want. I. Don't. Care." Eclipse laughed harder.

Solar Flare hummed, going to sleep in their shared mindspace. Eclipse hummed as well and sighed, going into rest mode.

Battery being at seventy-five percent as they did.

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