Chapter 12

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A scream was heard. One that was painful as always once it came to 'Torture Time' in the house of fear and pain. Eclipse had a collar around their neck and was slammed up against the wall by Sun. Eclipse's faceplate was cracked beyond normal repair. Eclipse felt their shoulder blades and back, taking some strong impacts as Sun forced him forward and then slammed backward or to the sides of the walls. Eclipse choked on his own oil and coughed a hefty amount of it.

What was worse was Eclipse was forcefully stripped naked, and Moon was taking humiliating pictures of him. Eclipse's wrists were once again tied behind his back, unable to stop himself from being slammed against the walls. Eclipse's neck would snap back and a sharp squeak and whimper escaped from Eclipse's mouth; Sun forcing Eclipse to stand up by the back of the collar; forcing their legs apart and Moon taking pictures of Eclipse's broken, bloodied, and naked body. Eclipse let the tears stream down his face; their hips, face, and legs hurting from being thrashed around, severe neck pain and more raditiated down to his back, and he could barely relinquish the pain in his shoulder blades.

Sun and Moon laughed like the maniacs they were, Moon getting up close and personal with the terrified Eclipse and pulled on their rays; forcing them to tilt their head back and making Eclipse cry out.

"Say 'cheese,' fuckhead." Moon smirked wickedly as he bared his teeth and snapped a picture of Eclipse's cracked, dented, and disfigured faceplate.

Eclipse's faceplate was missing the bottom left part of his lip and chin with the left cheek practically being nonexistent and dented inwards. The right side of Eclipse's lip was stripped of the casing upwards and to the side; making it look like they had a spilt opened smile. Eclipse's left eye stopped functioning a long time ago with the right struggling to stay online. Most of the rays on Eclipse's head were either broken or snapped off and a copious amount of oil dripped from every single injury of their face. Barely any teeth were shown with the exception of his top and bottom fangs and a broken nose bridge.

Stripped wires and metal were exposed and torn off from underneath Eclipse's face, showing off some of the more sensitivite mechanisms when it came Eclipse's internal wares.

Moon laughed. "This is so scrapbook worthy!" Moon exclaimed like he won something and continued to take humiliating pictures of Eclipse's naked body. Sun holding Eclipse up by the collar continously as a vicious, sick, and twisted smile played across his own face.

Eclipse barely comprehend anything that was going on, they barely felt their legs being spread opened more by Sun's own legs as the flashes of the camera light continued to blind the semi-conscious Eclipse.

"What do you have to say for yourself, Clipsy?" Sun asked in a mocking tone.

"Mmm... ngh..." Eclipse moaned out, unable to keep his head up, hearing the two cackle.

"Wow, he's so pathetic that he can't even answer a simple question! Makes ya wonder what else we could do to break him even further." Moon said in a menacing tone with a wicked grin.

Eclipse blinked, vision swimming and blacked out only to wake back up by excruciating pain radiating through his lower body. He could feel someone on top of them using harsh and rough thrusts below his waist. Eclipse softly cried, face against the floor as the act of pure defeat took over.

The harsh thrusts did not stop as they all took turns using Eclipse's body for their own personal benefit. Eclipse's body was tired, exhausted, and in a universe of hurt and agony. Trauma to his body that he was unable to even sit straight up. Hands touching in between Eclipse's legs and fingers scrapping and scratching at the sensitive parts of their body. Oil leaked and seeped put of the injured and inflicted area. Eclipse dissociated so much that reality was beginning to mix in with a dreamlike state of an unwanted fantasy... More like nightmares filled with monsters that were actually real and using him for whatever sick fantasy of their own that they oh-so wanted to sickeningly fulfill.

Eclipse barely registered that the sick and twisted torture was over, feeling painful phantom sensations, legs twitching and tears falling. Eclipse felt like their wrists were still tied behind their back, and whimpering while glaring into nothingness. Eclipse tried to move but to no avail, their body failing the miserably.

"Mm... s-s-s-stop...." Eclipse muttered to no one.

The room was empty yet the mind of the traumatized Eclipse created the world in making them believe that his tormentors and now rapists were still in the room with them.

Eclipse's dissociation worsen as the world around them started to feel and seem dysfunctional, like going through a tunnel and yet not making any process in furthering your mission of going through said tunnel, and the light seemingly getting further and further. The world was spinning like being on carnival ride that one would not be able to get off and is forcefully strapped in and the operator would not let you get off said ride. Eclipse's eyes were unfocused and foamed out the mouth, the oil like blood continued spill out between their legs; staining his thighs and the metal flooring.

A large coughing fit and the act of vomiting was heard, Eclipse panting heavily and shakily and tried to lift his head. It felt heavy and feeling like it was taking an extreme amount of effort to lift it up; soft whimpers to indicate how hard this simple task was for Eclipse.

Everything felt cold, like below freezing temperatures and was unable to regulate his own body temperature and began to shake violently. Even scooting away from the mess took forever; at least in Eclipse's mind. His back touched the wall, body curling up and eyes feeling heavy; as if someone put heavy weights on his eyelids and was tugging them down.

" n-... n... no...." Eclipse ever so weak voice muttered out.

He failed to stay awake, now trapped in a nightmare of the most recent events. All he saw were monsters. Monsters and nothing else. Nothing but monsters to endlessly torture him beyond the point of no return. At this point, Eclipse was really wondering if they were doing this for their own sick and twisted pleasure or they were running out of ideas to hurt him; either way... he felt... guilty.

Guilt and stress took Eclipse out, bending to the will of the monsters that held him captive, yet the door to freedom was so close yet so far. The guilt was eating Eclipse up as they could easily walk out and escape quietly. But, the monsters would find them again and bring him back to imprisonment and torture him all over again. Eyes shot open and darted all over the place, remaining curled up on the floor and living in the world of dissociation and disappearance. If Eclipse just pretended that nothing ever happened then things should be alright... yet there was a part of Eclipse that said that nothing would ever change and that this was the reality that they were facing.

Were the monsters really that bored and attempting to fulfill their own sick and twisted version of punishment? If so... what kind of punishment was this? Reality couldn't been more warped.

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