Chapter 11

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Time seemed to be an illusion for Eclipse. Paranoia and exhaustion crept in so much each and every day and night that Eclipse had a hard time deciphering what was real and what wasn't. Sometimes, he would wake up panicking with no one to comfort him and cry until they passed out; only to rinse and repeat the cycle.

They were constantly on edge at every little thing, and today was one of those days. It was another torture day, and Eclipse tried to escape the clutches of their tormentors but failed. Eclipse's wrists were tied behind his back and a cloth over his eyes. Eclipse tried to beg them not to go forth with the next method of torture, but as always, the pleads would fail to be listened to.

Eclipse felt his head being titled backward, which felt like a washcloth over his face. His mechanical heart would beat faster and faster, then in a rapid manner when he felt water being poured heavily over their face. Eclipse flailed wildly, but being a prisoner meant you were held down as you were forced to indure the torture. More water was poured heavily over their face with the washcloth still over their face. They struggled to breathe and coughed, gagged, and gasped to breathe.

The prisoner felt himself cry and sob harder, gagging even more as an immense amount of water was splashed, poured, and dropped on him. He felt like vomiting, but with the amount of water being poured over his face, he couldn't. The water slid down their throat at a rapid pace and into their makeshift stomach pouch and systems; glitching and twitching at every opportunity. Eclipse gasped more and more as each passing second felt like hours of endless waterboarding. Eclipse then felt the soaking wet rag stuffed into their mouth, and a huge amount of water inside an equally huge sized bucket was poured directly on top of their face.

Eclipse felt like he was suffocating, chest heaving up and down, the rag being forced out of his mouth, and he vomited, the corners of his mouth dripping with oil. The tormentors cackled; Eclipse could vagualey make out Bloodmoon and Harvest's cackles along with Sun and Moon's. Eclipse couldn't even speak, being too shakening up and still in the midst of trying to catch his breath. Tears fell from their eyes as they began to cry, fueling the laughter even more.

Then, a loud, painful shriek came from Eclipse's throat as they felt a scorching sensation on their left thigh. A large metal branding iron with the word "Bitch" label on the end was pressed hard against Eclipse's metal skin. The sound of sizzling was heard and the smell of burning metal filled the air; all the while Eclipse was unable to move as Bloodmoon and Harvest held him down as Sun and Moon worked together to brand Eclipse. What felt like forever to Eclipse was a minute for the other four and the branding iron was pulled away; the word "Bitch" now etched and burned into Eclipse's thigh.

Eclipse felt the tight ropes being removed from his wrists and being thrown on the ground, multiple footsteps and the gathering of items were heard before the slam of the door was heard, causing Eclipse to flinched violently and cry harder. His broken, bruised, and burnt body remained curled up on the cold metal floor and shakened up. Eyes were screwed tightly and small whimpers escaped from Eclipse.

The crying never seemed to end and the sleep never came to be. Eclipse was... terrified to sleep, let alone close their eyes. Terrified that the nightmares would crept back in or behind them. Maybe even in front of them. Hell...

All around him.

Eclipse bunched himself in one of the corners of his in 'room' and not dared close his eyes. They would even not dare to close their eyes while charging. They were blind terrified. Would one call it mortified. Or beyond terror? Would there even be an actual light at the end of the tunnel?

Or would the tunnel be endless and there would be no way out.

Eclipse sniffed and cried more.

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