Chapter 1

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Eclipse moaned in pain. His head and body ached with so much pain. He tried to get into a sitting position but failed. The pain was a bit too much, and they panted, groaning a bit as their head pounded as an artificial migrane coursed through their head. Eclipse turned on their side and scanned their surrounding area and only found that they were in internal darkness.

Eclipse turned on his night vision, getting a better scan of his area. From what he could make out, there were sleek metal walls and a metal floor. Eclipse grimaced and sighed, finally pushing himself up into a sitting position despite all the pain in their body. They leaned their back on one of the walls and clenched their teeth.

"Where am I?" Eclipse growled lowly.

Eclipse sighed heavily, rays twitching as they heard voices from a distance, coming closer to their designated area. They stayed silent as the voices spoke, and they could make out whose voice was whose.

"What do you want to do with him?" Sun's voice echoed.

"Just kill him! He's been nothing but a problem! To get rid of problems, we have to get rid of them." Lunar's voice said.

"Death is what he wants. It's what he expects." Moon said.

"Shall we torture him?" Bloodmoon asked in a gleeful tone.

"Torture him, we shall!" Harvest exclaimed.

Moon hummed. "What kind of torture?" Moon asked.

Eclipse hitched a breath. They could handle torture, they've been through it before. They could take any sort of shit that would be thrown their way. Though, if they keep misgendering them, Eclipse might actually attack them.

Was it that hard to not misgender someone?

Anyways, Eclipse continued to listen to the conversation. They all collectively decided to torture him beyond belief. Eclipse huffed. Whatever. They can do their absolute worst. Eclipse can take it. They could hear Solar Flare scoff but chose to ignore it. Then, he heard Moon say to Lunar and the twins to wait as he and Sun wanted to talk to Eclipse if he was awake. Eclipse grimaced, but let out a small scoff of his own.

They crossed their arms, turning off their night vision. The door opened, and the lights turned on, and he was greeted by Sun and Moon. Oh, great. Glares all around, along with grimaces towards one another. Moon walked closer to Eclipse; who stared up at Moon and continued to do so as he knelt down to his height.

"Howdy... enjoyed the shock?" Moon chuckled with a smirk.

Eclipse scoffed again. "Very funny. Think you're a comedian?" Eclipse huffed.

"I do say so myself. But, let's cut to the chase... you know why me and Sun are here. I know you heard our conversation. Kind of rude to listen in on something that doesn't involve you." Moon titled his head.

"For you information, Moon... I happened to woke up before your pathetic conversation. Also, a little hard when the conversation involves your name. Maybe, try keeping my name out of your mouths. Or am I that important?" Eclipse smirked.

"You wish." Moon spat.

"Please... without a doubt, each and every day... you, Sun, and whoever else needs to have my name in your mouths. Seems like my name is something you can't avoid, let alone myself." Eclipse laughed.

Sun rolled his eyes and walked towards the two. "Can we just get started? He's getting on my nerves already." Sun growled.

Eclipse put a hand to his chest in a mocking way and spoke in a mocking tone. "Awww... I haven't gotten on your nerves before, Sunny? Haha! Hilarious. I thought it would've been about five minutes before you ran your mouth about me getting on your damn nerves." Eclipse cackled, and Moon slammed their head against the wall they leaned on.

Eclipse huffed and smirked, oil dripping out of the corner of their mouth. "Look at you... resorting to violence already. Are we sure I'm the villain?" Eclipse mocked.

Moon growled and slammed Eclipse's head again. Eclipse groaned and coughed, choking a bit on their own oil. "Whatever... fuck you. Fuck both of you. Fuck all of you. I don't care what you do to me. Do whatever the hell you want. I'll be waiting for your pathetic torture methods." Eclipse smirked with their sharp teeth, fangs poking out a bit.

Sun kicked Eclipse's side and walked towards the door, waiting for Moon. Moon stood up and stared down at Eclipse.

"Trust me, we'll make your life an absolute nightmare." Moon hissed and walked out of the room with Sun, and the lights went off, and the door slammed. Voices chattering before fading away.

Eclipse panted and clutched at their side and laid back down. "Whatever. Fuck..." Eclipse hummed and decided to go into sleep mode since there wasn't much else that he could do.

Eclipse was in for a hell of a ride.

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