Chapter 9

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Eclipse stared.

That was it. Just stared into nothingness. The thought of him sleeping terrified him to the brink of panicking. The most resting that he did was plugging himself into his charging station. What was left of Eclipse's rays would twitch every now again, and he rocked himself back and forth to keep himself stimulated, and even that was starting to get to him. He was paranoid, exhausted, and anxious, and yet he refused to sleep and only calmed his nerves down.

They ran a hand through their rays and then their face. The melted chassis felt odd when they ran their hands had come in contact with their faceplate. The melted and charred pieces of metal scarred on their face and hands, legs and arms, stomach and back, their rays taking a beating; only some melted metal hanging on from where it caught fire.

The fire.

Eclipse shivered and hugged himself, fingers rubbing ever so gently over the raised bumps of his chassis. The raised and grainy texture made Eclipse squirm and bit his lip, inhaling and exhaling deeply. He closed his eyes for a minute or so, opening them up to a dimly light room. He found it more comforting to in either a dimly lit room or a dark room, rather a brightly lit one. The lights had hurt his eyes, his systems freaking out when he was blinded by the light.

Their fingers continued to graze their injuries, slowly finding it more stimulating to do so than just rocking themselves back and forth all the time. Though, the silence and no interaction with anyone was getting to them. It's been days since the fire that Eclipse has actually talked to anyone.

Or has it been weeks?

Has it been months?

Has it even been a year?

Eclipse's breaths slowly became rapid. Rapidly checking their calendar only to find that their calendar was disabled. No. That wasn't right. That can't be. Eclipse couldn't have disabled it. Could they?

"Solar Flare?" Eclipse said. "Solar Flare, did you disable my calendar?" Eclipse asked.

No response.

Anxiety started to rise like rapidly growing water filling in a bathtub. Eclipse's breathing quicken. "Solar Flare?" Eclipse gripped tightly on their arms. "Solar Flare, answer me, please!" Eclipse begged. Again, there was no response. Eclipse had tears forming and streaming down his face.

He started tear at his clothing and flesh, reopening the wounds and clawing at his rays. Vision swimming, and it was all a blur. Why were there no voices? Why was there no interaction? Did no one cared to talk to them?! Why wasn't there anything?!

Fabric went flying everywhere, small pieces of metal flew across the opposite side of the room, and Eclipse quickly stood up, already looking feral. Eclipse heaved, chest rising heavily. His claws unsheated themselves from their casing, and Eclipse stood in a defensive stance and growled, vision nothing but red with warnings and errors.

Shadow like figures filled their vision and started to attack at them, slamming themselves into walls, their casing coming off in chunks. Eclipse tore at their own casing, scars, scratches, and wounds being reopened. Eclipse growled lowly, eyes going completely blank; the left being completely black while the right was pure white. Glasses lens completely shattered, Eclipse's feral mind taking over him and continued to attack the hallucinations.

Once Eclipse woke up for the first time in who knows how long, it was agony. Agonizing pain radiated throughout his body, and he panted, whimpering as he pushed himself off the floor and crawled towards his charging station and faced the wall, curling up in on himself. If Eclipse had a tail, it too would be wrapped around their body. Their head hurt. Their body was in pain.

They were in pain.

Eclipse sighed and continued to stare at the wall, closing his eyes and letting himself fall asleep.

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