Chapter 14.

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"Are you done, Mr. Thorne?" Lily asked calmly, there was no trace of confusion and shock over her face upon hearing what he had announced. She sat there on her seat. Her posture remained elegant as she simply gazed at him with uninterested eyes.

Her response baffled Alastair to the core, taking him off guard that her nonchalant response on such a revelation made him speechless. He opened his mouth but closed it right away as he really had no idea how to retort to her response.

It took him few minutes but he eventually managed to get himself together and said, "Did you not hear what I had said, Lily." He asked again, he needed to because he refused to believe that any wife could be that insouciant upon learning about her husband's infidelity. "I said your husband, Easton is having an affai-"

"I heard you loud and clear the first time, Mr. Thorne!" Lily yelled, interrupting the man from completing his sentence. "There is no need to repeat yourself and if this is what you wanted to speak to me about then I have heard you. You should leave now." She suggested, her tone going back to lower decibel as she regained her calm composure.

Bewildered from such a dry response, Alastair could see everything going south. His plan was failing and he had no idea why. Lily was not supposed to respond like this. He had calculated everything very precisely and hence failed to fathom what could be the reason behind this unexpected behaviour from her.

His brows furrowed together and the frown on his face deepened because of the failure. Shouldn't she be mad? Heartbroken? Should she not cry or be at her most vulnerable self? A revelation this terrible could do the same to any other rational wife. He thought to himself.

Lily saw the man deep in thought and she waited patiently for him to snap out of the daze and leave but he seemed to be too deep in it and she had enough of this man in her home. She needed him to leave right this instant, "Let me show you the way out, Mr. Thorne." Lily offered her tone as loud as it needed to be to get his attention and stood up.

Alastair stood up too in haste as his mind went all over the place. He thought he had the upper hand but his calculations turned out to be wrong and Alastair hated it from his heart to be wrong. He needed her to behave in a certain way to make his plan successful and if she could not give him the response he had anticipated then he was left with no choice but to make her behave the way he wanted by whatever means he could use.

"What the fuck!" Alastair cursed out, feeling frustrated as he strides towards her with a few steps and stood right in front of her, "I told you about your husband's unfaithfulness to you and this is what you have to say to me?"

"What kind of woman are you, Lily?" He questioned. His voice was so dangerously calm that it made her feel challenged.

Lily felt a shudder down her spine when he stood that close to her, his angry gaze was only working as a fuel to the fire of fear but she was equally offended.

"I am the kind of woman who pays no heed to a stranger's words about my husband." Lily retorted, huffing loudly as she further added to validate her remark, "Especially from the likes of you."

"Likes of me? What does that mean?"

"You are a disgusting man who tried to rape me years ago!" Lily shouted, seething from unsaid rage that was pent up inside her but she had no idea about it until the very moment it came out, "I have no idea what made you think that I will believe a man like you."

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