Chapter 5

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The two-year work contract extended for another year. Within those three years, he didn't feel any hardship because of Zee. Nu almost remembers everything that happened from the time he met Zee until he lost his memory. He devoted himself to working as Zee's personal assistant, and they reconciled just last month. Zee was aware of his mistake. Nu wasn't greedy for revenge, so he gave Zee a chance to make things right. He didn't want any more conflicts or conditions because he knew deep down that he still loved the guy.

He had been sitting in his office for an hour while Zee was busy with his meeting. He didn't allow him to accompany him, so he stayed in his office. Sometimes, he felt like his position was higher than that of a secretary, so he was occasionally hesitant to go out. While pondering, there was a sudden knock on his office door. It might be Zee. He quickly opened the door, but the joy he felt a while ago disappeared when he saw his secretary.

"Sir Zee sent this" she said, handing over a paper bag containing food.

"Thank you" Nu replied. Zee's secretary left and closed the office door. He sat on his swivel chair and opened the paper bag.

"This smells so good. It's obviously delicious" he thought. There were two containers and a bottle of water in the paper bag. He opened them. Adobo chicken and chop suey. And there was rice in one of the containers. He immediately devoured the food as his hungry stomach had been craving for it.

"Sir, I already delivered Mr. Nu's lunch" Kathy, Zee's secretary, said. He had finished the meeting earlier and came straight to his office. After taking a brief rest, he realized what time it was, so he had food sent to Nu's office.

Sometimes, he wondered if he hadn't seen him before, would they still have met? It's a funny thing. But he couldn't allow him to disappear from his life again so easily. Now that they're okay, he wouldn't waste the chance that was given to him. He knew that Nu was scared to be with him again, he could feel it. He had shortcomings in the past, and he knew he didn't have time for it, but he did everything now to prevent a repeat.

"You can go now," Nu said. Kathy nodded and left shortly after. Zee called Nu, and it took a few rings before he answered the call.

"Hello" Nu's voice came through. Sometimes he missed hearing his voice, even though he sometimes called him as well. Nu now lived in his house; he didn't want to send him back to Cebu, fearing he might never see the guy again. As for work, he didn't want to force him to work, as he already had a job, but Nu insisted on pursuing the job Zee offered. Besides, Nu didn't want to confine himself to the house; he wanted to be active. He had no choice but to let him be, which was actually better since he could keep an eye on him.

"How's your work?" he asked.

"It's fine. How about you? Kathy said you're in a meeting" Nu replied.

"I'm done with the meeting. Actually, I don't have anything to do now, so wanna go out with me?" This was their chance to go on a date. Both of them were busy with work, and they rarely had time to bond outside, even just for a date.

"Sure," Nu happily replied on the other line. It seemed like he wasn't doing anything either.

"I'm on my way."

"Hold on, right now?" He knew he would be surprised by what he said. He wanted to see his face, as if he were in a state of panic. He's still the same Nu. He headed to Nu's office and knocked twice. Nu opened the door and Zee entered.

"Let's go?"

"Can we do it tomorrow instead?" Nu said shyly, scratching the back of his head like a puppy trying to please its mother. That's one of the things he liked about Nu, aside from being cute, he was also beautiful. A handsome man. He wasn't picky with his clothes, and he didn't like to argue, unlike before when they almost broke up over a problem. But now, he found his attitude much better. He was easy to understand, and he was falling for him even more.

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